“we don’t need four more years of the last eight years”

Or “no way, no how, no McCain”.  Hillary’s speech was really good.  I might take back most of the bad things I said about her during the primary.

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8 Responses to “we don’t need four more years of the last eight years”

  1. As long as Obama doesn’t give us four more years of Carteresque administration. I’m not sure European unemployment is the change we should believe in.

  2. Obama creates more jobs on average during the 8 years he’s in office than Bush…that’s a bet I’d make.

    Hillary did good…she said it, and it wasn’t easy.

  3. John Rove says:

    Hillary did a good job. You called it Al when the primary ended everyone came together

  4. I’ll take that bet. Do you want a lag factor for the fiscal policy differences to take effect?

    And what kind of payouts are we talking?

  5. John Rove says:

    One thing with Obama as president their should be an increase of enforcement of government regulatons which should mean jobs for people who help to comply with regs.

    I am already noticing a lot of positions available for enviromental clean up, this should lead to more relatively high income jobs.

    Al should win the bet

  6. Two good questions…and what if Obama is elected, but only has one term?

    How about 6 months in (plenty of time for a tax cut or aid to states and cities to arrive and be spent), and six months out.

    With the funding that’s been striped for local police, education and infrastructure alone…once the previous levels are restored, we’ll see a bump in the numbers.

  7. Rove…when I looked a couple of years back, the #1 and #2 in-demand jobs 10 years out were projected to be ‘environmental engineer’ and ‘software engineer’ respectively

  8. John Rove says:

    I always go back to when I was in school listening to a partner in a CPA firm talk about how all the new accounting standards would ruin the business as companies would not be able to afford audits.

    5 years later accountants do very well for themselves and the partner may not make as much money as his firm has to employee and pay more staff, but I guarantee many staff accountants have jobs thanks to the new accounting rules.

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