The war on birth control

Kevin Drum talks about the conservative war on birth control, at this point it does seem pretty obvious that certain factions in the US do not want people to have access to birth control and they would like to stigmatize birth control by defining birth control pills as abortion.  This is one that I don’t understand what can be gained from having a population that is either abstinenent or pregnant most of the time.  Pregnant women are not as productive and kids are a huge drain on the medical and education systems in this country already.

This seems like a formula for a permanant underclass of large families that will need government subsidies to feed all of their children and will have almost no hope of educating them.  I wonder if the conservative obsession with large families is not a way to insure that most people are dependant on the government for many generations.

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One Response to The war on birth control

  1. This is just about subsidies, isn’t it?

    I thought we agreed that subsidies were usually a bad idea, for example the ethanol subsidies. What happened?

    That said, I don’t know anyone who is against birth control. But I guess it’s the dangers of living in Manhattan.

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