Doing my part

John McCain is set to pick his running mate and I think like most liberals I fear he will pick Mitt Romney and make himself unbeatable in November.  Mitt being devoutly religous would instantly lock up the evangelical block of the republican party.  Mitt care has been an unqualified success not too mention his desire to double the size of gitmo, he is the one man who can save the McCain campaign, lets hope McCain doesn’t figure it out. 

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8 Responses to Doing my part

  1. Jim says:

    Can’t say I agree. The evangelicals do not like Romney. 1. He’s Mormon, which is tantamount to being atheist as far as the evangelical community is concerned. Heck–they don’t even use the Bible, really. Just the Book of Mormon. 2. He was famously pro-choice (or at least tacitly pro-choice) as governor of MA. 3. He was also tacitly pro-gay (by dint of not being anti-gay).

    He might bring some folks to McCain that aren’t already there, but not the fundies. To do that, you’d need someone like Huckabee.

    Romney poses the biggest threat in terms of “undecideds.” (Really, how could you be undecided? Two more diametrically opposed candidates have never been…oh, forget it.) He’s youngish and pretty. McCain is neither. But I don’t think that would be enough.

  2. John Rove says:

    McCain also needs to do more speeches in front of green screens, that would definitely get him out there.

  3. captain_menace says:

    I’m not convinced that Romney as VP is good for McCain either.

    Evangelicals are an odd lot. Hard to say who they will take a liking to, and why.

  4. John Rove says:

    The evangelicals are going to love Lieberman

  5. Why would the evangelicals love Lieberman? Isn’t he pro-abortion?

  6. John Rove says:

    My sarcasm does not seem to translate well into writing.

    I sure don’t want Romney or Lieberman as McCains running mate as either one would make him unbeatable.

  7. I don’t think VP choices should make much difference. After all, elder Bush won with Quayle!

  8. John Rove says:

    Dan Quayle would be an excellent choice for McCain.

    McCain seems to have a problem with certain groups of conservatives and a VP choice might help him to bridge the gap. i.e. Huckabee might help with evangelicals and Romney is supposed to help with true fiscal conservatves.

    Lieberman would show that McCain plans on starting many wars for no reason.

    McCains age also might make his VP choice more important.

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