I am glad the Patriots didn’t win

If the Patriots had won the superbowl New England would have won every major sports championship in the last year.  Bostonians would have been completely unbearable.   BTW I don’t count hockey as a major sport.

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6 Responses to I am glad the Patriots didn’t win

  1. I’m on my way to Colorado right now w/ a shit load of ammo…

  2. John Rove says:

    2 out of 3 is enough. Some of us haven’t had a championship in 10 years.
    The red sox could have let the rockies have the world series, it was their turn after all.

    I can still remember when the Nuggets drafted Raif Lafrentz ahead of Paul Pierce, the sports talk guys were all saying what a hard worker Lafrentz was, that worked out real well.

  3. I know how you feel…before the Pats won their first, all I knew was heartbreak.

  4. John Rove says:

    I adopted the Cardinals so that I can really be a martyr from hear on out.

    Everyone needs to Lienart alone for the babes in the hot tub

  5. Jim says:

    Some would say that Bostonians were unbearable beforehand anyway, and that winning championships hasn’t changed that.

    I’d agree, and add that it isn’t really Bostonians who are the problem. It’s the ring-town jackasses following closely on the heels of the wagon-jumpers who are the real trouble. It’s like they want to make up for their lack of prior commitment with a surplus of noise (and/or pink or green gear).

  6. John Rove says:

    We all know about those Bostonians, not that New Yorkers are much better.
    I hope the Eagles win the super bowl so their fans can boo them for only winning by a touchdown.

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