The new Rhwanda?

At some point this starts to look like a genocide where the weapon is a natural dissaster, although my guess is they are trying to get rid of some poor people rather than a specifc race:

Myanmar’s junta seized U.N. aid shipments Friday meant for a multitude of hungry and homeless survivors of last week’s devastating cyclone, forcing the world body to suspend further help.

The aid included 38 tons of high-energy biscuits and arrived in Myanmar on Friday on two flights from Bangladesh and the United Arab Emirates.

“All of the food aid and equipment that we managed to get in has been confiscated,” U.N. World Food Program spokesman Risley said.

This is reminiscent of Katrina only the indifference to suffering seems even greater.

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5 Responses to The new Rhwanda?

  1. Black people aren’t a priority for this world.

  2. I agree, the whole B.Clinton/M.Albright strategy of avoiding the “genocide” word back in the 90s is still infuriating.

    My church is supporting 800 kids there, and we’ve gone to Rwanda about 10 times and built several houses for single-parent and child-headed families in the Kigali region.

    I appreciate your post, JR. AS, um, I think you might be the only person who considers the Burmese black, not that that’s a bad thing.

  3. John Rove says:

    I just started reading the Samantha Powers book about genocide. I wonder if that book was not part of the reason team Hillary went after her so hard.

  4. I’ve always thought that the Anglo-Saxon attitude…well, think about it this way…it was said so often that Obama might not be “black enough”, but if he’d been busted dealing coke and heroin, there would be no doubt. We’re kidding ourselves if we have a perception that the UK, USA, France or Germany gives a shit about a million people in Africa or Asia dying horrible deaths. Unless they’re living on top of some sort of valuable commodity, you can bet that the white contingent of humanity won’t be losing any sleep over it.

    But I was definitely off saying Burma was full of black people.

  5. John Rove says:

    Hey Al:

    Given you have a new family member you may not be getting that much sleep. Congradulations.

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