Good news for Obama, Democrats and the country

This should be the end of Hillary, she will not be the leader in pledged delagates or leading in the popular vote on June 3rd.

“The rules say [superdelegates] can make up their mind in August if they want to, but there are a lot of Democrats myself included, Senator Reid, Speaker Pelosi, and many many others who understand that we want the voters to have their say, that’s over on June 3rd, and then the unpledged delegates really have got to make up their mind.
“None of the so-called party elders that I’ve talked to thought that this should go to the convention and I agree with that.”

The only person who wants the nomination to go to the convention floor is Hillary Clinton, which is the only way she gets Florida and Michigan counted, and the only way she gets the nomination.
If Hillary is smart, something she has not shown to this point, she will see what she can get for dropping out now. I don’t think she would be a good choice for VP, especially given her war support. she might make a good supreme court justice. I don’t think the Democratic party wants to humiliate her but she has to go.

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