Proud to be a liberal

This presidental campaign has been souring me on politics and specificaly democratic politics, (Hillary please quit before the democrats lose an entire generation of voters)

But then I read about sweatshop Bob  and listen to some of the rightwingers that try to defend him and I realize that the volunteer work that I do for the democratic party helps keep people like Bob Schaffer out of office . Even though a certain presidential candidate might annoy the crap out of me, overall liberal values are still much better than the nothing but dollars, values of the republican party.

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2 Responses to Proud to be a liberal

  1. Andy says:

    Liberal values are certainly better than “the nothing but dollars values of the republican party,” but I would say Democrats tend to hold the exact same “the nothing but dollars, values of the republican party.”

    Democrats are merely a different arm of the same corporate puppet. True liberals would be well advised to support third parties, however nonviable they might seem.

  2. John Rove says:

    A compelling third part candidate might even have a chance, Ross Perot in 92 might have been able to do it had he not dropped out and then got back into the race.
    Jesse Ventura would probably be a viable third party candidate and yeah I could see supporting Ventura. Hopefully Obama will be the democratic nominee and it wont be necessary to hold ones nose while voting.

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