Is Hillary still a Democrat?

Talkleft seems to be arguing for unity, which might make sense if the eventual Democratic nominee were in doubt. It is not, Obama has a sizeable lead in pledged delagates as well as a lead in the popular vote. The only way Hillary gets the nomination is by a rule change that counts Michigan and Florida. She agreed to the rules at the start of the primary and she should stop trying to get them changed now that she has lost the nomination. Talklefts call for unity makes sense in that people should get behind the de-facto nominee, Barack Obama.
At this point the only reason Hillary is still in the race is to harm the Democratic nominee for president. I don’t know if she is doing this because she is bitter about losing the nomination or if she really thinks McCain would be a better president. She certainly seems to agree with McCain when it comes to foreign policy. Given her silence on most issues for the past eight years it seems like she has been pretty happy with the way things have gone, maybe she really does want to see McCain continue the Bush presidency.
Whatever her reasons for staying in the race Hillary needs to understand in the race for the whitehouse she placed third(she got a bronze as Mitt would say) it is time for her enablers to say enough is enough. The Democrats have an election to win and a country to run, catering to Hillarys ego should not be a priority item on the agenda.

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2 Responses to Is Hillary still a Democrat?

  1. Andy says:

    While I don’t think Obama deserves to have the nomination just handed to him, Clinton and her supporters need to realize there is a problem when her talking points and Sean Hannity’s mirror each other. She chose to run this Rovian campaign.

  2. John Rove says:

    If Hillary wanted to talk about why her health care plan is better, or why she is better suited to end the war in Iraq or a whole host of other issues I could see why she should stay in the race. Even if she lost she might change the course of some Obama policies. I think if she felt really strongly about an issue I don’t think anyone would fault her for staying in the race. However, it seems that the only issue that she is really passionate about is that she should be the Democratic nominee and the end result is a Rovian campaign devoid of issues.

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