Merck wrote the research & doctors signed it for money

JAMA published this today. Every one of these doctors need to provide answers to the medical community, and if they didn’t actually conduct the research they attached their name to, their medical license should be revoked. People are dead because of this nonsense…

Recent litigation against Merck & Co Inc related to rofecoxib provided a unique opportunity to examine the practice of guest authorship and ghostwriting related to the research and promotion of this medication. Our objective was to provide a review using a case-study exploration of court documents, in tandem with a review of the medical literature, to describe the practice of guest authorship and ghostwriting related to rofecoxib.

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One Response to Merck wrote the research & doctors signed it for money

  1. Joan Petty says:

    I am a Vioxx survivor. I filed a Civil RICO Compaint on Merck & Co. et al and E-Merck the German parent owned company and Merck KGaA Inc. along with Raymond Gilmartin, Richard Clark and Edmond Scolnick. The Case is in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in Louisiana and a group of judges are reviewing the Writ of Mandamus along with the Constitutional Challenge, Interlocutory Appeal. This is the only RICO case filed on Merck that has accused Merck of Fraud and mass murder with Vioxx. Product Liability cases filed in the Mass Class actions are no good there is no remedy for injury or death caused by a prescription drug manufacturing Company. In 1962 Congress preempted the Public Law 1962 FDA Act when they omitted Product Liability form the FDACA Act and placed a sheild of protection for prescription drug manufacturing companies. No Federal Law or State Laws. This is why Merck and the other drug companies are untouchable and Merck killed 88,000 people with vioxx and injured 169,000 with heart attacks and strokes. They knew Vioxx was going to kill and injure in 1996-97 and ignored the outcry from the Health industry, Medical experts, FDA and kept the drug on the market for 5 years knowing and willing to injure and kill for profit. This Fact and not fiction. Check out the 5th Court of Appeals Petty, v. Merck. Case No. 07-31094. contact me for more information,

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