Hillary the hunter?

One of the worst moments of the 2004 election was when John Kerry went duck hunting.  The intent was to show that he was a manly man and just like any other blue collar guy, in the end he looked foolish and gave fodder for many ads.  I know I heard several ads on the radio suggesting that he didn’t even know which end of the gun to point at the bird.  Now Hillary has tried the same thing.

Noting that many hunters and gun collectors want to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals, Clinton referred to her positive childhood experiences with firearms.

“As I told you, my dad taught me how to shoot behind our cottage,” she said. “I have gone hunting. I am not a hunter. But I have gone hunting.”

Clinton said she has hunted ducks.

If you are tryiing to appeal to low-income blue collar types you probably shouldn’t refer to your “cottage”. It is probably only a matter of time before Hillary goes out and shoots something so she can prove that she is a blue collar gal. One can only hope that Mark Penn is standing close by and Hillary’s skills are similar to Dick Cheney’s.

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