Josh Marshall wonders what is wrong with McCain

I got this from TPM:

From the earlier post there seems to be some confusion. No one is saying that John McCain’s service as a Navy pilot shows or suggests that he lacks the grasp of strategy and national interest to be president. What I’m saying is that the available evidence, and there’s a lot of it, shows that McCain is unable to see beyond immediate tactical questions to any larger grasp of strategy. His myopia about the ‘surge’ is simply one example of that. I raise the issue of his Navy pilot service because McCain has based so much of his campaign on the premise that that service gives him a unique insight into foreign affairs. But the strategic sense he lacks is not one you’d get from that kind of service.

Meanwhile TPM Reader RW says that the real issue isn’t so much short-term tactics vs. broader strategy as the military vs. the political prism. But I actually think this a disservice to all the military men and women who’ve got no problem in this department. This is a stereotype people have about career military people that’s seldom been born out by my experience. This is something about McCain, his myopia. He can’t see the big picture or anything else that’s going on in the world except Iraq. And even there he doesn’t want to grapple with what the goal of the surge even was.

I don’t think it is so much the milatary exerience that makes McCain clueless as the fact that he has never worked or lived outside of the government. Even as a child his housing and medical care was furnished by the government. It is unlikely McCain can understand a world where most of your needs are not met by a government providor, as such it is unlikely that he can understand a life where one finds meaning by taking care of oneself or others. In the case of John McCain the only way life means something is if you sacrifice for you country because in the world he comes from almost everything else is taken care of by your country a world like that would be almost devoid of challenge or accomplishment unless you are at war.  The world John McCain knows is not the world most of us live in nor is it a world most of us would want to live in.   

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One Response to Josh Marshall wonders what is wrong with McCain

  1. He lost his fucking mind after 2000…and during the time in between, I’ve read enough about where he came from and what he believes to honestly consider his administration to be as great of a danger to military personnel and their families as Bush has been.

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