Maybe I should have used drugs in high school

This editorial encourages people to spy on their children
This part makes me wonder what is the real purpose of spying on your kids:

Parenting has never been for the faint of heart. One friend of mine, using spyware to monitor his college-bound, straight-A daughter, found out that not only was she using drugs but she was sleeping with her dealer. He wisely took a deep breath before confronting her. Then he decided to come clean, to let her know how he had found out, to speak with her about the dangers inherent in her behavior. He’d had these conversations before, of course, but this time he had context. She listened. There was no anger. Things seem better now.

Isn’t the whole point of keeping kids off drugs so that they will be straight “A” students and go on to college. “Things seem better now”? how could things be better ? she was a straight “A” student. Sounds like a controll freak parent congradulating himself on maintaining controll.

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