Victim mentality run-amok

Maybe someone can explain this to me. 

Wednesday, a 18-year-old chimp named Tony , escaped at around 8:25 a.m., Engells said. Dr. Christian Abee, director of the center, said a team that specializes in safe animal capture techniques followed the chimpanzee across the center’s campus onto adjacent ranch land. Officials tried to capture the animal for 45 minutes and used “at least one tranquilizer dart” before a 5-year-veteran of the police department fatally shot the animal, Engells said…

Counselors will be available at the center today and tomorrow to provide counseling for the center’s 120 employees. “A tragic event of this type takes its toll on our caregivers,” Abee said.

“A toll on caregivers” these animals are in a facility that does medical research on them, in fact probably the most humane death this animal could hope for was a bullet. It is amazing the lengths some people will go to see themselves as a victim.

This is almost as bad as Geraldine Ferraro trying to claim that she is somehow a victim, actually maybe the bozo’s at UT are worse.  It is close.

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