Vick’s new cell mate?

I get that what this guy did is not as bad as an organized dog fighting ring but it is still pretty disgusting.

An animal rights group wants the PGA Tour to take action against player Tripp Isenhour, facing charges for hitting a hawk with a golf shot because it was making noise as he videotaped a TV show.

“Because of the high profile nature of this case, the PGA needs to take steps to address its interest and to make it clear that they don’t condone animal cruelty,” said Dale Bartlett, the Humane Society of the United States’ deputy manager for animal cruelty issues.

He said the organization would contact the PGA Tour on Friday to discuss the issue.

Isenhour was charged Wednesday with cruelty to animals and killing a migratory bird, misdemeanors that carry a maximum penalty of 14 months in jail and $1,500 in fines.

The entire article can be seen here

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3 Responses to Vick’s new cell mate?

  1. Athenawise says:

    Yep. Pretty disgusting. Isenhour kept hitting golf balls until he hit the bird and killed it. Nobody in his entourage or members of the TV crew spoke up.

  2. John Rove says:

    I hope they give this guy the maxiumum sentence, and the PGA gives him a lifetime ban. What a pile a of crap.

  3. If he had hit one ball and clocked it, I’d just figure it was meant to be. Instead, the hawk was speaking on behalf of society…”fuck you and your bullshit golf show“…one selfless dead bird on the ground bleeding red, white and blue.

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