Thoughts on Hillary Clinton’s victory.

According to MSNBC Hillary Clinton while winning 3 of 4 states probably did not win a substantial number of delagates over the ones awarded to Obama.  In fact becuase of the mixed system in Texas where 1/3 of the delagates are awarded by a caucus system she may have come out behind in total delagates awarded.  None of this nuance will keep Hillary Clinton from claiming that she has acheieved the biggest victory ever.  It seems like the Clinton camp is trying to keep the election close and get the super delagates to award her the nomination.  If that doesn’t work she may try to get the Florida and Michigan delagates seated which again might get her the nomination but would circumvent the will of a majority of primary voters and caucus goers.   The problem with this approach, is that it says to the caucus goers and primary voters who nominated Obama by the rules of the party, “I know what is best, and it is not who you voted for”.  This approach is incredibly condascending and reeks of party elitism.  It is sort of like when Dick Cheney was supposed to find a good vice presidential candidate for George Bush and he picked himself.  Hillary is trying to pick herself to be the democratic nominee for our own good.

I know two people who caucused for Obama, one of whom says she will vote for McCain if Hillary is nominated.  Her reason eing that she is tired of Bush and his condescending little smirk that implies he knows best and she feels that Hillary has the same condascending attitude.  My other friend says he will support Nader because in his words their are “no differences between Hillary and McCain”.  To an extant he is right both Clinton and McAin are long time politicians who supported the Iraq war and tried to start another war with Iran.  While at the same time both of them have ignored most of the problems of the last eight years until they decided to run for president.  Both Hillary Clinton and John McCain have a lot of experience living in Washington DC; but John McCain has more so if that is your only criteria then McCain would probably be a better president.  And while McCain is a jerk he is at least not a condescending jerk. 

If Hillary Clinton gets the nomination it really does make the point for the cynics that, that all politicians are the same so you might as well just vote for the guy you would rather have a beer with. 

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