Why McCain doesn’t get it

I was watching John McCain on TV the other night where he talked about getting sworn in to the Naval Academy when he was 17 years-old; which is impressive, when I was 17 about all I can claim is that I got both hired and a few months later fired from Burger King.  Before John McCain was appointed to the Naval Academy he lived on naval bases throughout the world, his dad was an Admiral and I would assume Admirals are given nice housing on most bases.  Once at the Naval Academy he went on to an impressive career in the Navy, where he became a pilot and was eventually shot down over Viet Nam.  Where he was held prisoneer for 5 years when he was released he came back to the United States and ran for Congress.  Later he became a Senator.  I am sure that his record is probably more impressive than I am making it sound, but one thing is missing from his record, he has never lived outside of a government job. 

Even when John McCain was a kid his insurance and housing was covered by the US government.  Once he got released from the POW camp he would have been covered by the VA, plus he would have recieved back pay for his time as a prisoner.  At no time in McCain’s life has he had to worry about health insurance or finding a job for that matter.  Many people have pointed out that John McCain is not too concerned with economic issues, I don’t think I have heard him talk about economic issues during the campaign, outside of a few references to tax cuts.  From his life experiences it is probably pretty hard to understand why anyone would worry about health insurance thanks to the Navy he has always had coverage.  Same with making a mortgage payment or paying for groceries, these things have always been provided for him.  His life experience is more in line with coming back to a country that did not appreciate the sacrifices he made in Viet Nam, and surviving for 5 years in POW camp.  In his case his main priority it seems, is to makes sure that other peoples sacrifices in Iraq are not in vain, it does not seem like he cares that this quest for honor in Iraq might bancrupt the United States.

As impressive as John McCain is, he does not have the experience to be president.  Throughout his life most of his needs have been taken care by the United States government.   Most people living in the US are not in the same situation, we at some point in our lives have to look for a job, figure out a way to pay for an education, find a way to get medical care.  In John McCain’s 71 years I doubt he has ever had to worry about any of these things and it seems to have made him very uncaring for those who do.

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4 Responses to Why McCain doesn’t get it

  1. Paul says:

    Okay I’ll bite. Who has the experience to be President ? 🙂

  2. John Rove says:

    My main point was that John McCain is uniquely unqualified to be president. John McCain has lived in a bubble that most of us cannot comprehend and in his case he does not seem to comprehend anything that takes place outside of his bubble.

  3. JoeC says:

    My biggest worry about McCain is that he wants to give our nations’ youth the opportunity to become a hero the same way he became one. In order for that, he needs to keep dialing up more war. Bomb bomb bomb Iran!

  4. John Rove says:

    It seems like McCain’s main goal is to create martyrs for the cause. After last night I think his chance to be proesident improved dramaticaly.

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