The irrational fear crowd votes republican

It is 3 am do you know where your president is? Hillary Clintons latest ad(you can see it here)
Plays the fear card, the problem is the Republicans locked up the irrational fear crowd a long time ago. In fact for a many of us one of the big problems with republican politics is the idea that everyone should be afraid all the time. Running around scared leads to bad decisions like invading a a country that is no threat to anyone while at the same time ignoring real problems. The politics of fear is something that the republicans own and I say let them keep it.

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2 Responses to The irrational fear crowd votes republican

  1. That ad is a sign of desperation

  2. John Rove says:

    Seems like whenever Hillary Clinton gets desparate she acts like a republican. Just once it would be good to see her try to get on the left of Obama.

    She could come forward with a concrete plan for Iraq withdrawal, or try talking about ways to pay for mandated health care, instead she seems to go more cynical and play the fear card. Ultimately McCain is better at that than she will ever be.

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