Hillary Clinton once again takes the low road

Kevin Drum sumarizes last night democratic debate as follows

Seriously, though, can someone please put a sock in Tim Russert? I didn’t even see the entire exchange, but his badgering of Obama on the Louis Farrakhan issue was pretty wretched. It was maybe legitimate to bring it up in the first place, but to keep at it well after Obama had made his position crystal clear was beyond the pale.

Nor did Hillary cover herself with glory on this question, with her inane “denounce” vs. “reject” comeback. Obama’s response — Fine, if it will make you happy, then I denounce and reject Farrakhan — was dexterous and smooth.

It seems like Hillary was trying to pile on, this is the same Hillary who has been complaining that the media treats her poorly. But when she has an opportunity to bully someone she is happy to do it, and happy to use the media when they benefit her. This attempt to have it both ways blunts her message or maybe even makes her look like a hypocrite. The sooner the Clinton campaign packs it in the better it will be for Democrats.

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