Hopefully Hillary Clinton drops out after Texas

As the desperation of the the Clinton campaign intensifies the rhetoric gets more off the wall.  Last night on Countdown with Kieth Olberman they had several sound bites from Hillary Clinton.  In one of them she was being somewhat sarcastic and condescending towards Obama supporters, basically saying that Obama expects the skys to open up with goodwill and of course Hillary beiing old and wise knows better.  In another soundbite she was chastising the Obama campaign for critiisizing her “mandated” health care plan and trying to claim that she was a victim of the “mean” Obama” crowd.  All this against a backdrop of a photo that most people believe was distributed by the Clinton campaign showing Obama in tribal clothes.  The photo seems to be an attempt to argue Obama is a Muslim.   

For me these sound bites and actions show much of the problem with the Clinton campaign.  First, she is trying to argue that she is the exerpienced and properly cynical candidate, next she is trying to argue that she is the victim, which seems to contradict the idea that she is an experienced leader.  Finally, she seems to be the one who is practicing the “dirty tricks”.  Not once did she try to defend her health care plan and its use of mandates(which is defensible) and she seems to be on the wrong side of most other big issues.  It is hard for her to argue that she is the person to get the US out of Iraq when she voted for the war and still seems to support it.  It is hard for her to claim good judgement on foreign policy when she voted for the Kyl-lieberman amendment, so instead she keeps trying to get votes based on the idea that she is somehow more deserving that her opponent.

Hopefully if Hillary Clinton loses in Texas she will realize it is time to give up and let the Democratic party move foreward with a candidate that has a vision for America and not just a victim complex.

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