Brady Quinn in a altercation at a gay bar?

This seems like a classic he said, he said sort of thing, but police are usually pretty good about getting ID’s:

On a 911 call early Jan. 1, Seth Harris told Columbus police that Quinn was with a group at La Fogata Grill and that they were insulting gays outside the restaurant.

“There’s a group of football players, Brady Quinn from the Browns … and he’s trying to cause a fight,” Harris told the operator. “His friends are yelling at all of the gay people that are around here.”

Harris said he had a verbal exchange with Quinn.

In a statement released Wednesday through the Browns, Quinn said he had dinner on New Year’s Eve with his girlfriend and other couples but that nothing else happened.

“At no time that night was I involved in a verbal or physical altercation, nor did I have any interaction with the police,” Quinn said in the statement. “I want to be clear that I did not engage in any of the alleged conduct, nor did I make inappropriate comments to anyone.

“Any allegations to the contrary are either untrue or the result of misidentification.”

However, Columbus police said when they arrived Quinn was arguing with 32-year-old Jason Thompson.

It is too bad that football is not a year round sport, both because it would keep the players out of trouble and give us something to watch on TV

The entrire article can be found here.

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One Response to Brady Quinn in a altercation at a gay bar?

  1. That’s a good one! I saw him on commercials for some product, and it didn’t make any sense to me…normally you’d think that backups wouldn’t get big endorsement deals.

    Coco Crisp’s phone just started to ring

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