Clinton campaign in the toilet just waiting for someone to flush.

Seems like most of the resources at at the Hillary Clinton campaign have gone into getting David Shuster fired and while that might be an admirable goal she seems to have forgotten to campaign.  At least given todays results in Louisiana, Nebraska, Washington state and the US virgin Islands, where Obama won the caucuses and primary by large margins a little campaigning on the part of Hillary Clinton might have at least kept them close. 

At the same time  Obama seems to be sharpening his message, at least the speech I heard today on CNN where he explained why he does not favor mandated health care(if you are too broke to pay for insurance, passing a law that says you have to have it is not going to help) and how he intends to help students pay for their college education($4000 dollar credit for every student,  paid back with community service).  While people might disagree with the ideas coming out of the Obama camp, they are still discussing things that are much more relavent than the fate of David Shuster.    

Hillary is right, Shuster is an idiot, but getting him fired is not going to make anyones life better. On the other hand making college available to everyone and giving people access to health care, now that might improve the lives of many Americans.   The fact that the Clinton campaign doesn’t understand this, and no one in the campaign is trying to explain it to their candidate, is why the campaign seems to be going down the toilet.

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