A product of a bad economy? or just a bad product?

Starbucks is lowering prices in an effort to get people to drink their swill. 

NEW YORK (dpa) – The U.S. coffee-shop chain Starbucks is experimenting with cheap coffee, in an effort to fend off competition from rivals like McDonald’s.

In some shops around Seattle, where the world’s largest coffee-shop chain got its start, Starbucks was offering coffee for $1, a company spokeswoman told the Wall Street Journal.

The shops were also offering free refills for a series of expensive drinks.

One of the things I miss about traveling in the east, our Dunkin Donuts and real Dunkin Donuts coffee. Starbucks coffee tastes like it was left over from the previous day. I wonder if everyone will run to Starbucks with their tax rebate checks to buy expensive burnt coffee? I guess that will be the true test of the economic stimulus plan.

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4 Responses to A product of a bad economy? or just a bad product?

  1. muymalgal says:

    i too, love dunkin donuts!! and, although i hate to admit it, mcdonalds makes a delicious cup of coffee!. starbucks is okay, if you like a little hair on your palms. lol

  2. john says:

    Mcdonalds iced coffee is good stuff. I heard they are going to start selling dunkin donuts coffee in super markets, that will be a good day.

  3. Anything that is truly good and worth your money – if it suddenly has to be made by tens of thousands of people all at once around the world – it won’t be good for long. Starbucks should just develop a real estate investment subsidiary, and start picking the right malls and bonehead locations to sell off…then when all of them are gone, Starbucks gets into pyramid schemes for a while, and when you become a Star Seller you earn Star Dollars.

  4. John Rove says:

    I can hardly wait to get in on the ground level of the starbucks pyramid. Personally I think starbucks started going down hill when they started charging for wi-fi.

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