The political genuis of Hillary

By playing the victim card Hillary Clinton has made it very difficult to talk about her record in the senate,where she has been on the wrong side of every major issue since 2000.  In fact some people might argue that all she has done while in the senate is prepare for a presidential run. If anyone points that out they are obviously just a Clinton Hater, the real issue in 2008 is not Iraq or healthcare it is how do right a past wrong; and who has been more wronged in the past than Hillary?
If Democrats are not careful the Democratic primary iwill degenerate into a contest of who has been treated worse, women or African americans and whoever wins this victim olympics will be completely tarnished for the general election. The real victims are the American people.

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3 Responses to The political genuis of Hillary

  1. I don’t think you can find two states with lower per capita rates of black voters than Iowa and New Hampshire. Upcoming clustered primaries favor the establishment’s preference for nominees – McCain/Lieberman vs. Clinton/? – and what a depressing outcome if it were to happen.

    Incidentally, they still have no ‘Lieberman for VP’ contracts to swap over at intrade.

  2. John Rove says:

    The only thing worse than a Hillary v. McCain election would be a Hillary V. Huckabee election. Huckabee wason Colbert last night and he does come off pretty good. Plus, with Huckabee he has the whole christian populism message(Known as christian socialism in some places) which might make him very attractive to low-income voters.

    I am starting to worry that we are going to get hucken in 08.

  3. John Rove says:

    I ment to say “hucked” in 08

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