
Today, in Dover, Francine Torge, a former John Edwards supporter, said this while introducing Mrs. Clinton: “Some people compare one of the other candidates to John F. Kennedy. But he was assassinated. And Lyndon Baines Johnson was the one who actually” passed the civil rights legislation. The comment, an apparent reference to Senator Barack Obama, is particularly striking given documented fears among blacks that Mr. Obama will be assassinated if elected. (link)

Don’t you always hear the pundits and politicians talking about how America is sick and tired of the ‘yo mama’ politics, and all the negativity it spawns? I think that’s a load of crap. Negative campaigning is what wins elections. Bringing up cocaine and the fact that in some places the noose is making a comeback (albeit a pussified passive aggressive one) are a couple of the only smart things the Clinton campaign has done recently. I’m not happy about the thought of Hillary winning the nomination, but I am happy anytime this game happens to produce a real moment or two along the way. The Clinton campaign foreshadowing Obama’s assassination was one of those moments.

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