Joe Lieberman

Senator LiebermanJoe Lieberman is Gollem, and this storyline (Lieberman Endorses McCain) connecting him with McCain is Tolkenesque in that two men who had been considered in the past as throw-backs to a time when the Senate was occupied by men whose willingness to toe the party line at the expense of the country wasn’t nearly what it is today. These were two men who each got close enough to the ring for it to horrifically deform the both of them. The success that President Bush has enjoyed all these years, running around with the same shameless playbook, combined with their aspirations to create the monsters of today. After the 2004 election you could almost hear the rusty wheels turning, as the war continued to get worse by the day, by being forcefully dishonest and impugning the patriotism of his opposition, even a sleazy lout like Bush could pull it off. Obviously, “being real” wasn’t going to work, so the two tired old men figured they’d scheme out a way to win in 2008, and the devil had a contract for them to sign.

The game plan was to stake out an area over to the right of just about everyone else when it came to Operation Kill Brown People, and if possible, to somehow master the trick of getting the entire country to quiver on command when hearing the word “terrorism”. To be able to set up their base camp way out there in Bauersville, theoretically it would be difficult for another candidate to outflank them. Just blabber on about progress, Iran, terrorists in the heartland if we lose in Iraq, and pull out the bear mace on whoever talks back (see Ron Paul). That was and continues to be the game plan for Lieberman and McCain, and the ticket was set long before anyone mentioned how their positions curiously became identical overnight.

Being a guy with bills to pay, mouths to feed and no press credentials, it’s up to professional journalists to finally get to the bottom of this. Triangulation is the word that gets correctly associated with Hillary’s logarithmic politics, but in the case of McCain/Lieberman, the word doesn’t work. It’s not bloody enough…

Here’s my previous coverage of this McCain-Lieberman deal:

(h/t Think Progress) I’d had a feeling for a while that McCain and Lieberman had made a deal, and now that McCain is all but out of the race, here come the neocons to try and rescue Lieberman. I can’t wait for the staffers w/ knowledge of all this to start talking with Bob Woodward about it. The beltway writers didn’t seem willing to point out or even aware of how the senator’s positions appeared to be so closely aligned with McCain’s, and typical of the beltway echo chamber, Lieberman’s gravitation towards power – this Greenspan-esque character flaw of his – wasn’t given the attention it deserved. Presidential politics regularly ravage the minds of human beings, never more so than when someone who was at the top suddenly finds himself at the bottom in the blink of an eye. After failing to come close to the nomination in 2004 or a VP slot on Kerry’s ticket, Lieberman went out hunting for coattails willing to drag him along. McCain took him in, and seemingly overnight, Lieberman became a Teddy Ruxpin doll loaded up with a tape of familiar talking points. He has taken it to the extreme, and if his goal of attaining Presidential power isn’t advanced at all following the 2008 election, expect him to either drift off into obscurity or immediately identify the Republican with the best chance to win in 2012 and do the same thing that he did with McCain this time around.

I don’t think any writers pre-dated my assertion below.

Al on 7/17/2007 – In terms of the latter, Senators McCain and Lieberman, whose backroom deal to share a Presidential ticket having been made (my gut tells me this) a long time ago, who now flail and sputter violent predictions of what’s to come, how it would be fun to kill Persians for a while, yet assessing Iraq’s security situation today as positive, reassuring, not so bad, safe…

And now we have the circumstantial evidence to go along with this theory:

Say It’s So, Joe
Vice President Lieberman?
by William Kristol – Weekly Standard, 11/19/2007, Volume 013, Issue 10

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3 Responses to Joe Lieberman

  1. John Rove says:

    This is like some sort of neo-con porn

  2. It’s an announcement that these two jugheads figured to be something that would drive the news cycle back when they agreed to their blood oath. Such an odd thing for Senators to be so disconnected from reality, isn’t it?

  3. John Rove says:

    Leiberman and McCain used to matter. At this point a Lieberman McCain ticket might get at least 15% of the vote. I do hope they decide to run as independants as they would probably hurt the Repubs more than the dems

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