Dana Perino said something smart

This is one of those a broken clock is right twice a day things, although in the case of Dana Perino it is more like an old calander being right. 

Since the Iran NIE was released, conservatives have desperately tried to discredit it. Former Vice President Cheney aide David Wurmser questioned “how much it can really be banked on.” John Bolton called for congressional investigations into the “politicized” intelligence community.

Some conservatives in Congress are following these calls, proposing a “second look” into the NIE in the form of a commission “based on similar review panels convened in the mid-1970s to reconsider the intelligence agencies’ analysis of the Soviet Union.” “We just see politics injected into this,” claimed Sen. John Ensign’s (R-NV) office.

Today, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino rejected the partisan witch-hunt into the intelligence community. “They assessed all of the intelligence,” she declared. “I think that they should be supported”:

This does seem like good news as a war with Iran is a bad idea. Hopefully, this is the end of the war mongering towards Iran, but with Dick Cheney in charge you never know.

See the entire article here

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One Response to Dana Perino said something smart

  1. Alex says:

    And what do you think of Obadiah Shoher’s arguments against the peace process ( samsonblinded.org/blog/we-need-a-respite-from-peace.htm )?

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