Thank God For Helen Thomas!

White House Press Secretary Dana Perino, the same one who admitted to not knowing what the Cuban Missile Crisis was, got a little bit more than she bargained for the other day. How do you think she handled it? Check out the look she shoots back at Helen at the end:

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2 Responses to Thank God For Helen Thomas!

  1. George Buddy says:

    White House Press Secretary Dana Perino’s exhange with Helen Thomas was fascinating. I hadn’t seen that clip at all on the news and cable shows.

    Perino would collapse and fall apart if she was banged up by reporters as in the past.

    I was stunned when she showed no knowledge of the cuban missile crisis. She didn’t even know enough to fake her way through a response.

    Here’s my point: her ignorance on this point is symptomatic and emblematic of the administration’s wider ignorance of such things as military capabilities in very foreign lands which they (and we as a nation) no nothing about. I am still surprised after five years that the clowns around Bush (advisors, staff etc) could have actually let Bush do what he did. They weren’t satisfied with taking care of Afghanistan but had to run off and start a “real war.”

    More and more, whether R’s or D’s, many if not most of the people will have no memory or even historical knowledge that goes back to the postwar/cold war era.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Dana, you go girl! Helen was being rediculous as usual, and Dana maintained her composure, and kept answering the same question over and over and over. The liberal media will never take an answer given, they keep asking, not getting the answer they want I guess. It is unfortunate if she doesn’t know about the Cuban missile crisis, but that is indeed an issue in this country…nobody knows history, and is therefore open to believe anything anyone tells them. Liberals really love this fact, as they can lie and tell the population anything they want, however it’s convenient for them!!! That’s really a bigger issue to me than Dana Parino’s youth and inexperience.

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