The IT Guy

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4 Responses to The IT Guy

  1. bernie kosar says:

    Dude, I’m totally digging this more so than the American series (and I like the American version). I’m just starting to watch season 2…love the Camilla joke about the big black c*ck! It’s too bad bad that there are only 6 episodes per season, as with HBO’s ‘Extras’.

    I currently don’t have HBO, but will get it in JAN, in time for the premiere of ‘The Wire’. Have you seen the new promos? McNulty is drinking again! Dominic West actually directs the 7th episode.

  2. He’s drinking again…damn, I was watching an episode from season two a couple weeks ago, where he drives Beatrice Russell home, stopping off for a drink first. He’s inside her house and knows that he can have her, but after walking around and looking at stuff like bills, drawings made by the kids, etc…he thinks better of it. It was an odd instance of McNulty looking foward and making a decision not to be impulsive.

    Then in the season 3 episode I watched last night, he’s talking with Kima in the car about that campaign manager he hooked up with…how he had to get approved access to get onto the floor where her room was, and how he’s the smartest guy in three districts, but she “looked through me”…culminating with this line, “my body is nothing but a battery for my dick.”

    I’m a fan of both the US and UK versions of The Office. I laugh out loud to both of them, but the UK one would almost give me siezures I’d be laughing so hard. For the sake of comparison, in terms of what network studios are normally able to produce in the sitcom genre, the US Office has represented on a level I’d never have expected it to.

    The contrast between Andy Millman’s experience and how the US Office has been allowed to evolve is something I find myself thinking about often when watching either of them. I’ve seen a few episodes of 30 Rock, and my impression of NBC is that they’re smart enough to step back and let the talent do its thing.

  3. bernie kosar says:

    I think I prefer ‘Extras’ more than ‘The Office’. The Reason: it’s the cameos. Kate “oscars coming out of their ass” Winslet gets it, and Ian McKellen with his rant on acting…absolutely priceless. I guess what really turned me off about the US version of ‘The Office’: Jim turns down a double promotion from PA to downtown Manhattan and a hot girl in Karen…C’mon!

  4. Yea, the whole love storyline can’t last very long before becoming unbelievable. Gervais may understand this dynamic and how unavoidable it is than anyone.

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