GOP Outsourcing of Election Fraud

The push to get a ballot initiative on how California’s electoral votes are cast in the Presidential election is gaining signatures. How are Republicans accomplishing this?

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4 Responses to GOP Outsourcing of Election Fraud

  1. Dan says:

    Hey Deadwood dude, just saw your comment on the Atlantic swill blogging by Mr. Crook (perfect f***ing name), and wanted to commend you for it. With a little editing, that thing could read like Twain explaining the hackery over a nice pipe.

  2. Wow – thanks Dan! I had been heading to Thanksgiving dinner with my family earlier today when we were backended on the highway. Everyone was OK, but we’re still shell shocked at the moment. Just got off the phone with AAA and the place where our heap of fiberglass and widgets remains, and let’s just say that the night is young. Anyways, I was hoping to escape for a few minutes, which I did, and your words got me to thinking that it was time to get happy.

    A little editing indeed – I was crosseyed-tired last night, about to go to bed, when I came across that piece by Crook…it’s really the type of sentiment expressed by a sociopath that either doesn’t know any better, or is really into watching those nature programs that focus on the kill. The level of intellectual dishonesty at play in the political descriptions of our economic situation have moved well beyond ridiculous into a realm of…the only thing I can compare it to is the conservative who smoked 2 packs a day in the 80s and early 90s, and argued that the liberal media made up all this noise about them causing lung cancer.

    OK – I’ve got to get back to being big papa – thanks again for the kind words!

    Here’s the post we’re talking about:

  3. Dan says:

    Sorry to hear you had an accident, glad everyone’s okay. Try to have a good holiday weekend and keep up the commenting.

    The whole point of the conservative made-up crisis in Social Security is to pretend that we never intentionally planned a surplus for the program in the early 80s to meet future program needs as the boomers began to retire, then spent that surplus instead buying bonds to prop up a government devoted to cutting taxes on the rich.

    Now that those US bonds are gonna come due and the planned surplus is gonna be called on to fund the program as planned, these crooked bastards wanna wave their hands around and claim that US government bonds are worth junk status and should be written off the books, or else we’re raising taxes.

    It’s like they think regular people never notice that there’s a thing called a payroll tax eating away at their paystubs, never mentioned by Grover “drown it in the bathtub” Norquist and people like old, perfectly-named Mr. Crook.

    But hell, you said it better anyway.

  4. Thanks Dan! It’s been a tough stretch. The insurance company of the car that hit us is taking full responsibility though, so hopefully we can get back to normal before too long. The boys are tough…they remember what happened and talk about it, but with no fear. Amazing!

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