Rep. Peter Visclosky (D-IN)

earmark(TPMmuckraker) Rep. Peter Visclosky (D-IN) earmarks over $7 million for a technology start-up incubator to be built in his state. The first five businesses to take up residence in the new building are all clients of the lobbying firm PMA. PMA is Visclosky’s largest political contributor. Nothing to see here, folks.

Al:  Where will this end up?  Assuming that politicians aren’t all a bunch of scheming crooks prior to being elected, wouldn’t it be fair to say that the private money involved in the process is a bad thing overall?  Maybe this guy has been a douchebag his entire life…I don’t know anything about him, but even if the idea I just mentioned doesn’t apply to him in particular, we can’t assume that the amount of corruption within our government isn’t fueled by the need to raise cash on a constant basis.  How many politicians have to end up in jail before the root causes are finally examined in an honest way?  

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