Even evangelicals are are starting to figure it out

Republicans pretty much suck at governing and it looks like many of their supporters know this.

“They are making a very grave miscalculation if they nominate a pro-choice candidate like Giuliani,” said Richard Land, a Tennessee evangelist and the president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.

“Most evangelicals have been voting Republican because they were given a bright-line choice between a pro-life candidate and a pro-choice candidate. If that issue were taken off the table, then other issues get oxygen, issues where evangelicals are not nearly as certain that Republicans offer the best answer. Issues like economic justice, racial reconciliation, the environment.

So with the exception of abortion even Richard Land realizes that the Democrats are better equipped to govern.

Their was also this tidbit:

Another could be that issues like abortion, which were more prominent in the relative peace and prosperity of the 1990s, have been trumped by war and the threat of terrorism in the 2000s.

“Some of the social issues have receded a bit,” Green said. “The rise of the social issues was fairly dramatic toward the end of 1990s and start of the new century. But after 9-11, foreign policy again became a very important thing. People’s priorities do change with events.”

In other words, when things are going well the country can worry about stuff that really doesn’t matter, like whether or not the president is getting a blow-job in the oval office, when things get screwed up these same people go looking for people who can actually govern.  The republican party will make a come-back about the same time the country solves all the problems created by Bush and his pals, and people can start worrying about trivial stuff, like who is getting a blow-job or who wants to marry who. 

The whole article can be viewed here

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