Beastie Boys – So What’cha Want?

From ‘Check Your Head’, one that came out when I was a freshman in high school, and a couple of us had the record memorized in about two weeks. At the time I figured this video was the coolest shit ever, and watching it now, I have to agree with myself.

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9 Responses to Beastie Boys – So What’cha Want?

  1. napoleon15 says:

    How’d the Charger defense look? 😉 Their offense, too, for that matter. The Chargers run into a buzzsaw!

  2. Yea – I avoided most of the commentary, but captured Sunday Countdown on the DVR…murderer’s row…well, everybody can talk, this season isn’t going to be fun for anyone playing the Pats.

  3. napoleon15 says:

    I’m sure glad we don’t have to play the Patriots this year, not during the regular season anyway. I know it’s only week two, but who looks better, Peyton Manning or Tom Brady? As if I needed to ask!

  4. karl says:

    At this point it is hard to see anyone crashing the Patriots party. The Broncos are also 2-0, but for some reason I don’t think they are quite as good as the pats.

  5. I agree, it seems injury is the biggest risk against winning another Superbowl. Mostly to Brady, it seems like they don’t need Maroney as much, with Moss & Welker, plus Sammy Morris looking almost as good. And we get Rodney back, and possibly Seymour, too?

    But hey, it was easier to be comfortable about the Bosox in July than it is now. It’s a long season.

  6. I is a long season, and if we lose Wilfork/Bruschi/Thomas, any one of those can be very bad for our defense against the run. If LT runs like he did on us last year, that game isn’t as much of an ass-whoopin’ as it turned out to be.

    Welker/Moss/(insert whoever), with Ben Watson at TE is going to be very very very tough to defend against this year. Getting to Brady is the only way to have any sort of impact on this offense. If he’s got time to throw, there’s not much a team can do but hope he has a bad day.

    I think the tandem of Maroney and Morris is outstanding, as are the blockers up front…in the first game they were going with a lot of stretch runs/off tackle, zone blocking, ala Denver/Indy – but last night they changed that almost entirely, going between the tackles instead, wham blocks from guards and the tight ends, traps…anyone who isn’t familiar with the guys on New England’s offensive line, next time you see them play, keep a close eye on the center (Koppin) and left guard (Mankins), as Mankins especially, just steamrolls his way to the second level in the running game. All year long, if he stays healthy, they’re picking up yards up the middle.

    Playing against the Jets and Chargers, both teams running a 3-4 base scheme, to see the Pats use two separate gameplans in the running game, both successfully…that won’t get talked about, but it’s just as serious as the passing game in terms of something to fear.

    I think of Denver and Indy especially, as their running games are very effective, but game to game, year to year, it’s a lot of the same thing. See if you notice what I’m getting at here in the upcoming weeks.

  7. Losing Wilfork, Bruschi, or Thomas would be pretty rough. I think losing Warren, Green, Vrabel, and Colvin could also hurt. But I would say that our lack of depth is most evident at QB. Not that our backups aren’t decent, but they might not be able to start for most other clubs, so they would be bottom of the barrel in their first few games, and it’s hard to tell if they could improve as fast as Brady did in 2001.

  8. napoleon15 says:

    Yeah, that’s one of the things I love about the Patriots — they don’t do the same thing every game. No matter how good you are, if you do the same thing all the time, other teams will figure out a way to counter it.

    On somewhat of sidenote, Tom Brady has completed 79.7% of his passes for 6 TDs, 1 int, and a QB rating of 134.2. How’s that for a start?!

  9. Brady is the best at what he does. I wouldn’t be as concerned about losing one of the edge guys on defense (Seymour, Warren, Vrabel, Colvin), because they’re not as crucial in stoping the run. Junior Seau is able to play for a certain amount of snaps, and there are a couple of other linebackers who can help out, but on this team, in this scheme, the defensive tackle and inside linebacker spots MUST be manned up solid, or else the whole thing falls apart. The time since Ted Johnson and Roman Phiefer both retired has proven that.

    Brady going down is the obvious moment to panic, but Matt Cassell at #2 is still better than most. He can make all of the throws, and has spent a lot of time now within the system. It’s whether the speed of an actual game overwhelms him…that’s the whole thing right there. Definitely a nightmare scenario though.

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