Deep Banana Blackout – Take the Time

From the Berkshire Music Festival in 2000 (I was too broke to attend) –
Bonus DBB

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20 Responses to Deep Banana Blackout – Take the Time

  1. napoleon15 says:

    Hey Al,

    I’ve posted my NFL season predictions over at my blog. I’d be interested to have your opinion.

  2. I’ll definitely check it out!

  3. napoleon15 says:

    Thanks for the visit, Al. Stop by any time; I’m planning to post my weekly NFL predictions every week.

  4. napoleon – if you do that, I’ll check them out each week and comment.

    RANDY MOSS!!!! This team is ridiculous!

  5. napoleon15 says:

    Yeah, Randy was awesome! That touchdown pass into triple “coverage” was pretty cool. With Tom Brady under center, we can expect plenty more of it this year. When teams start putting three or four guys on Moss every week, then Brady will be able to throw to wide-open Donte Stallworth, Wes Welker, and Benjamin Watson as well. That Patriot offense could put Manning and his receiver corps to shame this year.

    The game at Buffalo was pretty ugly, but at least we won. That last Bronco drive was a stunner. Two minutes, no time-outs, a third and 23, two fourth-downs, and they still got it done!

  6. Karl says:

    I heard a little bit of the Bronco game on the radio, I didn’t think their was nayway they were going to get the kick off in time and the way Elam was playing it did not seem like they were going to make it anyway. I bet that quited the crowd a bit in Buffalo.


    I think you are right about the NFC not being a factor this year I watched the Dallas NY game last night and while it was entertaining it was pretty much like watching a JV game. The AFC championship game is going to be the super bowl this year. Of course that is what people said about the NFC the year that the Broncos beat Green Bay in the super bowl, so I guess anything can happen but probably wont.

  7. napoleon15 says:


    I watched the video recap of the Bronco game on, and the whole Bills team looked stunned when that kick sailed through. It was awesome to watch that whole kick (and the drive leading up to it). When I was listening to the drive on the radio, though, all I could think about was when the Raiders blocked Elam’s kick back in 2004, to preserve a 25-24 win. I just “knew” it was going to get blocked, or there’d be a penalty, or something.

  8. karl says:


    How did Travis Henry look? Is he running like a man with 9 mouths to feed. The Broncos seem to live and die with their running game, plus I think they really missed Andersons blocking ability last year, I have them at 9-7 maybe 10-6, but that is assuming the Raiders continue to suck, if the raiders improve the broncos might have two more losses.

  9. napoleon15 says:

    Travis Henry had an impressive debut, but then he was playing Buffalo, so you have to take that into consideration. He ought to be solid this year, though. One thing I like about Jay Cutler so far is that he seems to have the ability to rally the Broncos late in the fourth quarter, an ability Jake Plummer seldom demonstrated during his Broncos tenure. Cutler rallied the Broncos in the fourth quarter three times last year (though they ended up losing two of those anyway), and once already this year. I’m still not sold on this team, though; I’m just taking it week by week. About the Raiders, they’ll probably be better this year, but Kansas City will be worse, if their opener is any indication.

  10. karl says:

    I wonder if KC wishes they still had Trent Green?

  11. napoleon15 says:

    Probably. Can’t say I feel sorry for KC, though. The Raiders may be our arch-rivals in name, but Kansas City probably is in fact.

  12. napoleon15 says:

    When was the last time anyone saw a more boring game than Arizona and San Fran? What in the world are they doing on Monday Night Football?

  13. karl says:

    One thing I liked about the second game was that it DID NOT have Tony Kornhieser, what is that man doing on Monday night football.

    BTW, if you go by scoreboard San Fran is better than the Broncos 🙂 No offense it is a painful memory for me as well.

  14. karl says:

    Another thing, after seeing the way the Texans are playing I am starting to think Kubiac may have been a bigger factor in the Broncos success that people realized, and perhaps they are missing him more than a lot of people realize as well.

  15. napoleon15 says:

    I definitely agree. Kubes was a major factor in the Broncos’ offense being dangerous for so many years.

  16. I can’t disagree with anything here outright…I’ve been developing the ability to tune out TV announcers for a long time, and I’m still no good at it. Kornheiser is alright, as good as we’ll get in a big game. If I can see a game at night without Madden’s voice, I’m a happy guy.

    Call me crazy, but I’m a believer when it comes to Mike Shanahan. Especially on the offensive side of the ball. His teams lack discipline on the defensive side, but are generally very deep with talent in the front seven. With Champ Bailey on the payroll, it makes it harder to pay for defensive linemen, but if I remember correctly, they picked up either Detroit’s or Green Bay’s DLs before last season, something crazy, like 3 of them all at once, which allowed them to rotate and keep everyone fresh.

    Do you guys know what I’m talking about?

    Also, any coach who can treat his running backs like this guy does is alright in my book. It seems like every year is a fight to the death between the 5 RBs in camp, and they are tops in the league in rushing year after year.

    The only thing I can’t stand about Denver, is the chop blocking. Sometimes the play will be downfield already, and one of the linemen will launch his shoulder into a knee for shits and giggles.

    Comcast took away the NFL Network this year, so I wasn’t able to check out anything on the Buffalo-Denver game. It sucks. I used to spend Monday and Tuesday going through at least half of the games. W/ the kids being 2 years old, I get one game on Sunday, and I’m distracted during a lot of it. So I have no idea how they really looked.

  17. BUT – whoever pointed out that KC must be bumming about letting Trent Green go – – – did you see the playoff game vs. Indy last year?

  18. karl says:

    The Broncos have not been the same since the league cracked down on chop blocking, I think the other problem was the lack of experience at running back last year, they need someone who can block as well as run for 1500 yards, or the offense doesn’t work to well.

    BTW, Al you have a point about KC, they are destined to suck no matter who plays quarterback.

  19. I think Green sucked his fair share in that playoff game…it was a team effort, no doubt, but not even ONE FIRST DOWN in an entire half?!?!?

    The Broncos are going to be alright as long as they don’t turn the ball over. I’ll take your word for their running backs’ lack of effort/skill blocking on pass plays…that’s a no go, and there are plenty of NFL backs who suck at that specifically. No excuse for it. If little guys can do it in high school, college and the pros, they should all be able to!

    It’s like how so many NBA players shoot free throws like they’ve never picked up a basketball in their entire lives…baffling.

    But back to Denver…if there’s one moment where I started to have doubts, it was that playoff game a couple years ago against the Colts, when Harrison catches that ball over the middle and four guys just stand there after he lays out and makes the catch. Nobody downs him, so he gets up and runs the rest of the way in. There were wholesale changes on the defense after that, and especially in the first half of last season, they seemed to be beating up whatever offense they played against.

  20. napoleon15 says:

    Thanks for bringing up that whole Marvin Harrison thing again, Al. That game in general, and that play in particular, is perhaps my most unpleasant memory as a Bronco fan.

    I agree about not turning the ball over, but there’s little I hate worse than conservative play-calling. Some quarterbacks, like St. John Elway (just kidding about the “St.” thing), were successful because they took so many risks. Although he’s not known for it, Tom Brady makes a lot of throws that could be disastrous if they were slightly off-target.

    Anyway, I’ve posted my weekly NFL predictions over at my blog. I’ll try to do that every Thursday.

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