Hysterical Blindness

stevens(Reuters) The FBI and IRS have searched the home of Republican Sen. Ted Stevens in a ski resort in Alaska as part of an investigation into his links with an oil-services company, officials said on Monday.

…that might make your average man decide to tune it down a bit

(TPMmuckraker) Republican Sen. Ted Stevens…has threatened to place a hold on the Democratic-drafted ethics legislation just passed by the House and expected on the Senate floor by week’s end.

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2 Responses to Hysterical Blindness

  1. Saskboy says:

    The tubes of the Internets have been all over this story.

  2. Very much so. I think this is a prime example of why Robert Novak hates the blogsphere.

    Why did Harry Reid come out in defense of Stevens? This guy baffles me sometimes, like he’s ready to take the gloves off one day, only to fold like a lawn chair the next.

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