
Chickenhawk vs. Cindy Sheehan

Pertaining to the White House dumbing down explainations of what is happening in Iraq by attributing everything bad to al-Qaida, it’d been killing me these past few weeks. My first ray of hope was this first column, written by the NYTimes Public Editor, citing the paper’s tendency to just use the WH’s statements in their stories. Then there are two other items, one a great post by Glen Greenwald and the other is Friday’s NYTimes front page story on this.

1. Seeing Al Qaeda Around Every Corner – NYTimes Public Editor Carl Hoyt
2. Everyone we fight in Iraq is now “al-Qaida” – Glen Greenwald
3. Bush Distorts Qaeda Links, Critics Assert – 7/13/2007 NYTimes Front Page

Various strands of madness:
New York Times Journalist Killed in Baghdad Khalid W. Hassan, 23 years old
Soldier shoots himself to avoid Iraq – Misleading headline, he actually hires someone to shoot him in the leg
Reuters Photographer, Driver Killed Photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen, 22, and driver Saeed Chmagh, 40

Iraqi Kurds Say Politics Revised Oil Law

Opponents of an earlier draft’s decentralization, as well as potential foreign oil company access, threatened to block the law’s passage…”It’s taken this back to square one, frankly,” KRG Natural Resources Minister Ashti Hawrami told UPI from his mobile phone in Irbil. He was referring to additional changes that centralized authority given to regions and governorates in the draft agreed upon in February, including the control over oil.

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