4 Great Clips

Lewis Black on right-wing paranoia
Michael Moore is interviewed by CNBC outside of the New York Stock Exchange (They wouldn’t let him in!)
Tommy Chong on Neil Cavuto’s show
Classic Barney Frank clip from 2006 (the GOP had just attached a cut in the estate tax to the minimum wage bill)

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10 Responses to 4 Great Clips

  1. Karl says:

    The modern GOP is a coalition of the worst elements of society, racists and homophobes, have joined forces with people that after 9/11 they were so scared they could not think straight. The only part of the coalition that is at least logical are the big money types who finance all the propoganda.

    One thing about the recent spat regarding immigration is that it exposed some of the bigots like Lou Dobbs who was making up stuff about immigrants having leprosy, the saddest part is that so many people are still willing to listen to people like Dobbs.

  2. Bush, Kerry, Gore … all white guys from Yale and Harvard. Dems need the black and union vote. Pubs need the church and tax-sensitive vote.

    Very little overlap in those broad demographics, except for the black-union-church demographic, which is pretty small.

    Clinton & Gore didn’t have a cohesive military doctrine, so you can’t credit them with that, based solely on your confirmation bias of crediting them with all the good stuff and the GOP with all the bad stuff. The most strategic thing Clinton did in defense is take down our defense budget from over 4% of GDP to under 3% of GDP. If we spent our normal fraction of GDP on defense, there would not have been a budget surplus under Clinton.

  3. I agree that Lou Dobbs needs to get some help. Nice!

  4. I think the Iraq war has proven that less is more when it comes to military spending. Our air force and navy haven’t given us a strategic edge in the fighting, nor has our equipment.

    The think-tankers on the right are citing Iraq as proof that we need a larger military. I take that as an example of cutting one’s loses…so even if the grand strategy of “Project for a New American Century” turned out to be an idiot mantra repeated by vastly stupid individuals, there can still be a payday for industry they had really been lobbying for from the start…

    War being the goal, and not necessarily a war in any particular place. I honestly believe this.

    Dobbs is a guy I’m rarely exposed to, but the illegal immigration buffs seem to worship at his feet. To me it’s all show-biz. Dobbs morphed into an audience’s version of the iPhone basically.

  5. Karl says:

    Clinton not only lowered milatary spending as a percentage of GDP but still managed to create what is regarded s the most lethal force in the history of the world. Afganistan and the invasion portion of the Iraq war, proved that the US can project an incredible amount of force anywherer in the world and probably win almost any milatary conflict. It is amazing that Clinton was able to create this force while at the same time spending less money as a percentage of GDP.

    Too bad the supreme court appointed Bush president, if Gore was president the milatary would probably still be a force to be reckoned with, at least in the 90’s the Clinton/Gore administration seemed to get a lot of bang for the buck.(Yeah, several puns are intended in that statement) Now unfortunately thanks to Bush when one thinks of the milatary Walter Reed comes to mind, or Abu Graib, or the lack of body armor. But hey at least Haliburton made some money.

    As for Lou Dobbs, sometimes I wonder if Lou Dobbs, Bill O’rielly and Glen Beck are not triplets produced from a tryst between Jerry Falwell and James Dobbson.

  6. Karl says:

    Why is terrorism treated as a milatry issue and not as a criminal one:

    DAVID STRINGER 06.29.07, 12:11 PM ET

    Police in London’s bustling nightclub and theater district on Friday defused a bomb that could have killed hundreds after an ambulance crew spotted smoke coming from a Mercedes filled with a lethal mix of gasoline, propane and nails, authorities said.

    Bush and Cheney have always derided Clinton and Gore for treating terrorism as a criminal act, and have insisted on using the milatry to stop terrorism, looks like Bush and Cheney are wrong about one more thing

  7. bernie kosar says:

    Just enough to get my blood to boil. I really don’t miss cable (aside from HBO Sundays) but I do miss Jon Stewart and Lewis Black…Thanks for the posting.

  8. Karl, the Clinton’s delegated the “terrorism is a crime, not a defense scenario” to Jamie Gorelick. This allowed them to insulate foreign intel (CIA) from domestic (FBI), instead of cooperation/coordination/synergy.

    This, in turn, helped prevent people from putting two-and-two together, regarding anything from illegal foreign campaign donations to Clinton and Gore, to the ties to Denise and Marc Rich.

    Kinda like the wag the dog cruise missile strike during Lewinskygate.

  9. Karl says:

    Caveat bettor:

    The police seem to do a better job stopping terrorist than the milatary. Which makes sense, terrorist typicaly operate like small groups of criminals, they are not out in the open and they don’t have an easily identifiable base of operations. The armed forces are very good at taking on other armies and invading countries, they are not so good at stopping criminals.

    Terrorists are criminals and should be treated as such, if it makes you feel better we can pretend Reagan thought up the idea, but at this point no matter who gets credit for the idea maybe it would be good to start a more effective campaighn against terrorism, one that recognizes the value of law enforcement and the follie of large scale invasions.

  10. Karl, I agree the police stop domestic terrorists better.

    I see that you did not brush up on Posse Comitatus. No prob.

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