The Shadow Government

In honor of the release of CIA documents revealing some of our more shady actions, I wanted to share this documentary called “The Shadow Government”, which appeared on PBS in the mid 1980s amidst the Iran-Contra scandal. Larry Johnson, the former CIA agent who blogs over at No Quarter wrote about the documents that were released: “…The report highlighted the following major crimes and misdeeds:

  1. The use of the mafia in a failed attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro.
  2. The illegal wiretapping of American newsmen.
  3. Analysis of domestic groups and political protesters.
  4. Unauthorized opening of mail of U.S. Citizens.
  5. Drug and behavior-alteration testing that probably resulted in the suicide of at least one U.S. citizen.
  6. Imprisonment of a Soviet defector without due process for more than two years.”

Here is the documentary:

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