NBA Draft 2007

The Celts got smacked around once more by the ping-pong curse, and so the #5 pick on Thursday night is what we’ve ended up with after posting the 2nd worst record. As depressing as it was to watch the western conference scoop up two more top picks, the upside to all this is, at least it’s not 2006! This #5 pick in particular is worth something. The Boston Globe has a piece on Al Thornton and also a slide show with all of the possibilities for the Celts in this draft (there’s an obvious error on the first page).

One option was to trade the pick, Theo Ratliff and Gerald Green to Phoenix in exchange for Shawn Marion, and out of the 15 or so they have for you to vote on at the end, it’s the one I chose. When the results showAcie Earl up I’m once again ashamed to be a member of ‘Celtic Nation’, as out of 9000+ votes, “Trade Paul Pierce” ends up in third place with over 12%. I’ve been calling people idiots for years now when they say this, and have realized that Pierce needs to learn how to fly in order to please the hoopleheads.

There was a time when I’d have a definite opinion about who we should pick, and a month ago I was all about getting Al Thornton, the senior out of Florida St. Then a couple of weeks ago I decided we needed the best defender available, which would most likely be Corey Brewer out of Florida. At this point my only conviction is that Ainge cannot not draft the Chinese guy. In this draft class there is one way in particular to ensure a stomach ulcer , and taking him at #5 would be just that. For the love of God (or Joseph Smith if it helps you see the light) Danny…turn this pick into a player who can earn 20+ minutes a night the second he walks onto the floor.

And then FIRE DOC RIVERS ALREADY, with the plan being to lure either Rick Carlysle or Jim O’Brien back to Boston. The team then learns how to earn minutes on the defensive end, get stops in the 4th quarter and get past the first round of the playoffs. I think it can all happen as long as there’s no Chinese guy at #5, and…well, at least if Danny doesn’t screw up the first part, it’ll only be a matter of time before Doc proves once again that he’s not cut out for this. (Bill Simmons on the draft)

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4 Responses to NBA Draft 2007

  1. bernie kosar says:

    Al, how’s that trade with R. Allen sitting with you? I know he’s a clutch shooter, but how many more years does he have left?

  2. Since we held onto Al Jefferson, Rajon Rondo and Tony Allen, I’m pretty psyched about it. How to stop teams from scoring on us will be the #1 concern going into the season. If Allen’s rehab leads to him being the same as he was before, then we’ve got the guy who can cover both the SG and SF position against most teams. If Jefferson can get his footwork down on defense, and most importantly, if Doc can figure out a strategy in the half court defense that works and manage to motivate these guys to execute it…things are looking up.

    Ray Allen is a guy I’ve liked for a long time. Neither Seattle nor Milwaukee had a low post scorer like Jefferson to demand attention, double teams, etc. If you leave him on the box 1-on-1, he’s got a lot of ways he can beat you. So in the 4th quarter I’m expecting each team we play to have this conundrum…when Jefferson is fed the ball by Pierce or Allen on the weak side, an immediate double off of either of them will result in a pass back, open jumper. If help comes off of center, Al might put one up and our man is in the best spot for a rebound.

    Then you’ve got Pierce driving to the hoop, which is where his brilliance is most appreciated by me, and most reviled by opposing defenses. With Allen on the floor for 30+ minutes a game, not only can Pierce pick his spots, but he’ll have more room to work with since it’s suicide for Allen’s man to stray.

    Let’s say the half court offense is fine tuned and everyone stays healthy…I wouldn’t want to face the Celtics in the playoffs! Lebron had the emergence of the PG Gibson to thank for a lot of their success in the playoffs this year, but he really did it on his own in that Detroit series especially. I’ve seen Pierce pull off performances like that, but the teams that win championships…for them it never works out to have just one guy on offense who is predictably holding onto the teams chances in his hands only.

    I know there are fans who hate this deal, but Ainge held onto our best young guys (Delonte West is a gamer, and Corey Brewer would have been a great addition, but Ray Allen is already Ray Allen), acquired a proven, steady player who is best suited to play the role he’ll be playing in Boston.

    I love it. Wanted to write something on this, but got Max has been fever-ridden these past few days.

    I’m not even considering the age factor right now. This season, Allen is not old. Now it’s up to Danny and Doc to figure out what is specifically needed prior to the trading deadline, and going out and getting it in exchange for Ratliff’s expiring contract. I think it will be a defensive need, or a veteran point guard who can cover well.

    How about Golden State?

  3. bernie kosar says:

    Maybe I’m nuts, but I think Celtics Basketball has tremendous upside; this was a great trade. I’m still a huge Leon Powe fan. And it seems there’s an outside shot at KG. Really? There’s a tug of war w/ GSW hoops, though. The W’s did good this draft, and they’re not finished. I will miss J. Rich, but anything to make the team better, is what I always say. And Mario Belli? (Don Nelson’s Belly) whatever is a great choice. Chris Mullin has proven to be a great executive (Steven Jackson’s legal troubles are in the rear view mirror) and everything rests with the health of Baron Davis, the new heart and soul of this team.

  4. bernie kosar says:

    Another reason I think the Celtics have a great shot at prospering next year: The Eastern Conference. If the CAVS can make it to the Finals, so to can the CELTICS.

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