Ann Coulter, Plagiarist

You combine Rush Limbaugh with Morton Downey Jr, perform a sex change operation and Ann Coulter is the Frankenstein monster that walks out of the lab. A few cable news segments told me all I needed to know about this sideshow, and up until now I simply blocked her out of my mind as I have with Courtney Love, Geraldo Rivera, Jose Canseco and countless other American celebrities out there giving the public brain damage. Though I have to admit, learning that Coulter has been stealing words from other writers and calling them her own is simply too rich to pass up.

I’ll let the facts take over from here:

Examples of Coulter’s plagiarism, reprinted from the Globe article:
Chapman, ”A Case for Impeachment,” page 13: ”Four Democratic fundraisers have stated that former DNC Finance Chairman Marvin Rosen explicitly advocated selling access to the President…”
Coulter, page 219: ”At least four Democratic fund-raising officials have revealed that former DNC Finance Chairman Marvin Rosen explicitly advocated selling access to the president …”
Chapman: ”A DNC fundraiser told Nynex executives they would receive invitations to White House ‘coffees’ if they joined the DNC’s ‘Managing Trustees’ program and agreed to donate $100,000 …”
Coulter: ”A DNC fundraiser told Nynex Corporation executives that they would receive invitations to White House coffees if they joined the DNC’s ‘Managing Trustees’ program and agreed to donate $100,000 …”

From Ann Coulter, talking about what taxpayers have funded: “A photo of a newborn infant with its mouth open titled to suggest the infant was available for oral sex.”
From The Flummery Digest: “The title of a photo of a newborn infant with its mouth open suggested that the infant was available for oral sex.”
From Ann Coulter: “A photo of a woman breastfeeding an infant, titled ‘Jesus Sucks.'”
From The Flummery Digest: “One otherwise tame photograph of a woman breastfeeding an infant was titled ‘Jesus Sucks.'”
From Ann Coulter: “A show titled ‘DEGENERATE WITH A CAPITAL D’ featuring a display of the remains of the artist’s own aborted baby.”
From The Flummery Digest: “‘Degenerate with a Capital D’…included ‘Alchemy Cabinet’ by Shawn Eichman, featuring the remains of the artist’s own aborted baby.”

There are several more examples, but you get the picture. Below are sources for these and many more…enjoy!

The Raw Story
Excellent Blog Entry
The Rude Pundit (not for the easily offended!)

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15 Responses to Ann Coulter, Plagiarist

  1. Paul says:

    AC does rub people wrong at times!

  2. karl says:

    Ann coulter is part of the GOP’s big tent philosophy. They have Ken Mehlman to prove they are not homophobic, and thanks to Ann they also have a member of the trangendered community.

    One thing about her/him is that she is funny but I don’t think she is worth taking to serious.

  3. Chris Austin says:

    Neither do I – – – as she’s on that list of people to ignore, but knowing that she’s stolen other people’s work and pawned it off as her own is just sweet as hell!

  4. karl says:

    One thing that is interesting is that she is one of the few women that campus republicans are attracted to. Maybe they know something most of us don’t, and I for one don’t want to know.


    Who is scarier Hiedi Fliese or Ann coulter?

  5. Michael says:

    Yea, Ann Coulter, is a south park conservative type hero…she’s a screw political correctness and speak what you mean, regardless of who it offends type person…is this stuff in her book? I wouldn’t put plagerism past her, but I doubt she cares…

  6. Paul says:

    Ann Coulter is not the only or the best known plagiarist. Doris Kerns Goodwin and Stephen Ambrose come to mind.

  7. karl says:

    I have never met a true south park conservative, one conservative campus group used to have south park parties until the Schiavo episode and then they abruply stopped. South Park offends everyone and conservatives don’t like that.

    Another reason I don’t think conservatives like South Park is that the majority of people who are repubs are security moms. These security moms used to be the million mom marchers, south park offended them then and manages to do it now. The entire cartoon makes fun of modern parents.

    If you don’t believe me go to some place like and try to have a south park discussion, the mom types freak.

  8. Chris Austin says:

    I caught the media tour for the South Park Conservatives book – and figured the show would do something (naturally) to turn these folks off – and the Shiavo episode most deffinitely took care of that. If you want to cherry pick this and that from the show, you’ll find plenty to make fun of just about everybody. That’s the best thing about it.

    The child tracker episode must have pissed off the security moms quite a bit.

  9. karl says:

    I missed the security tracker episode, at some point south park will hit a little close to home on almost everyone, so you have to have a thick skin. Most security moms/million mom marchers are not known for their thick skins.

    I have always thought that national elections come down to who can get the security mom/million mom vote, I think that is part of the reason most of us are a little turned off by politics or at least the nuts and bolts of it. It really is not fun to be associated with the million mom crowd.

  10. Chris Austin says:

    karl: I missed the security tracker episode, at some point south park will hit a little close to home on almost everyone, so you have to have a thick skin. Most security moms/million mom marchers are not known for their thick skins.

    Oh karl, you’ve got to catch that one sometime! It lampoons the cable news phenomenon as well…the news keeps saying, ‘studies show that…’ and it’s always something to do with abductions, the parents take it literally – you can imagine. At one point the mayor asks the Chinese food store owner to build a wall around the city…and the Mongolians get involved.

    karl: I have always thought that national elections come down to who can get the security mom/million mom vote, I think that is part of the reason most of us are a little turned off by politics or at least the nuts and bolts of it. It really is not fun to be associated with the million mom crowd.

    This is probably why cable news spends 75% of their time on a single person who was either killed or abducted. Modern day soap operas.

  11. karl says:

    The “shity wall” episode, I know that one. The parents were right most abductions are committed by a parent so better just to kick the kids out.

    I hate to admit this but I am a bit of a tragedy junkie, I follow Natalee Holloway on a couple of web-sites, it is like a train wreck I want to look away but can’t. In some ways the Holloway case reminds me of Schiavo, sometimes bad things happen and no one can do anything about it. But certain people refuse to accept that and get angry at everyone. I go back to the million mom crowd, you cannot stop all bad things from happening no matter how many laws you pass.

  12. Chris Austin says:

    karl: I hate to admit this but I am a bit of a tragedy junkie, I follow Natalee Holloway on a couple of web-sites, it is like a train wreck I want to look away but can’t. In some ways the Holloway case reminds me of Schiavo, sometimes bad things happen and no one can do anything about it. But certain people refuse to accept that and get angry at everyone. I go back to the million mom crowd, you cannot stop all bad things from happening no matter how many laws you pass.

    Don’t feel bad – I watched 4 straight episodes of ‘Being Bobby Brown’ last night. I’m with you on the ‘trainwreck’ factor…for me, I’ve definitely grown tired of watching strangers embarrass themselves, but the Bobby-Whitney thing is too much to ignore. They’re always drinking it seems, and puffing on Newports.

    In this one episode, they’re in London, out shopping – and Bobby has a crowd around him as he’s looking at watches. At one point he turns around to the crowd and asks, ‘Do any of you speak English?’ That’s what it’s all about right there!

  13. Paul says:

    Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston deserve each other ! The question is does Bobby Brown speak English?

  14. Chris Austin says:

    Bobby is alright it seems, until he’s around Whitney…she’s going to give that guy an ulcer, if he doesn’t kill her first. Considering all the booze they both consume on a daily basis, anything is possible.

  15. Who is scarier Hiedi Fliese or Ann coulter?

    Ann just bothers you when she talks but there is not enough soap in the world to get the Heidi off of you.

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