US Soldier Fears Fratracide

Posted on Soldier Voices Forum – this is a soldier who is in need of some help. I’ve neglected the email chain that alerted me to this for about a day now because of school, but now that I’ve read it, I hope that my fellow bloggers can help spread his story around.  The ethical questions I’ve been hung up on for an hour or so all seem moot, as it would be me (and hopefully you) acting on this person’s behalf, and doing what he hopes would be done.

Things have escalated in the last 12 hours, and I need your (and anyone else who cans) help. I have finally sided with my conviction, and voiced my beliefs about the governments involvement in 9/11, and my belief that this “war” was staged. My company commander responded by acting as though he was going to attack me, he came across as seriously unstable and violent, initially they took my weapon and ganged up me. Things have only gotten worse.

I have told them that I will no longer play a “combat role” in this conflict or “protect corporate representatives”, and they have taken this as “violating a direct order”. I may be in jail or worse in the next 24 hours.

Please rally whoever you can, call whoever you can, bring as much attention to this as you can. I have no doubt that the military will bury me and hide the whole situation if they can. I’m in big trouble. I’m in the middle of Iraq, surrounded by people who are not on my side. Please help me. Please contact whoever you can, and tell them who I am, so I don’t “disappear”.

Eleonai Israel, JVB, Bco 1-149INF, Camp Victory, Baghdad Iraq
This is his e-mail address [email protected]
and his friend Crystal’s e-mail is [email protected]

Lisa Cantu (Soldier Voices Forum): And this was made available in a public forum so I’m figuring it’s ok to repost.

rystal: Eli?
eleonai.israel: hey, did you get my message
crystal: i just read it. what the fuck?
crystal: my heart is in my throat
eleonai.israel: things are bad
eleonai.israel: I need help
eleonai.israel: I don’t have a phone, or anything
eleonai.israel: I can’t call anybody
eleonai.israel: and in the morning the “hammer” is going to fall
crystal: omigod
crystal i’m sending to as many people as i can right now
eleonai.israel: I’ve been struggling with my conscience for weeks now. Having a harder and harder time playing a role in this “war”, knowing the truth. Today, my Squad Leader tried to “throw me under the bus” (sacrifice me on an issue to save his own reputation). This involved “punishing me”. I refused. I then refused to show submission to him and “stand at parade rest”. It was like watching a pack of rabid dogs. These people are not stable. I thought I was going to have to fight them.
eleonai.israel: During this “discussion” I told them my feeling about 9/11
crystal: OH MY
crystal: what about your parents? do they know?
crystal: Eli?
eleonai.israel: no, and I’m honestly afraid of their reaction
eleonai.israel: they don’t understand
eleonai.israel: I don’t have anybody on this Crystal. Please help me.
crystal: i’m trying…
crystal: i’m sending it out to the “bigger ups”….to see if they can give me advice… honey, i’m so sorry.
eleonai.israel: I wonder if Alex Jones would help
crystal: i sent it to him
eleonai.israel: He had the father of a soldier who was taking a similar position on his show a few days ago, but I think the soldier was back in the states. I’m here, much easier to “hide”
crystal: did u contact gravel??
eleonai.israel: no
eleonai.israel: but I should
crystal: i will right now…just so they know….u too
eleonai.israel: brb
eleonai.israel: I’m chatting with Mike Grant from the Gravel campaign right now.
eleonai.israel: Try writing alex on the gravel website “contact” page, tell him who it is, he knows who I am
eleonai.israel: brb
crystal: the best thing that can be done is to get the story to the mainstream.

call radio shows and get attention brought to it.

the safest place to hide in hell, is right in the light.

hope it helps
eleonai.israel: yes, exactly
eleonai.israel: they don’t want people to know
eleonai.israel: brb
eleonai.israel: tell them that I stumbled across AR 210-35 and was horrified.
crystal: OKAY…COMP IS SOOO SLOW. are you getting this out?
eleonai.israel: i’m trying
crystal: “I’ll contact who ever i can so hang in there, Eli needs you so keep it together.”

crystal: where are you?
crystal: someone wants to talk to you
eleonai.israel: who’s that
eleonai.israel: yeah
crystal: some guy
crystal: i already sent it…i’m trying my best
eleonai.israel: are you there?
crystal: yes of course i’m here
crystal : what’s up?
crystal: i’m sending and sending it out to news people and senators…. others
eleonai.israel: I’m chatting with mike still
eleonai.israel: he is talking on the phone with an attorney
crystal: good
eleonai.israel: he said he is even going to talk to Senator Gravel about it in a couple hours
eleonai.israel: I honestly don’t know how much support I can expect crystal
eleonai.israel: I am refusing “orders”
crystal: anything?
eleonai.israel: waiting on an email
crystal: from?
eleonai.israel: an attorney
eleonai.israel’s status is now “Idle”. (6/19/2007 9:51 AM)
eleonai.israel: i’m here, sorry, my squad leader came to talk to me
crystal: anddddd?
eleonai.israel: things are not ok
crystal: ????
crystal: talk to me
eleonai.israel: they are saying they acknowledge my moral convictions, but are fully prepared to charge me with everything they can if I follow my moral position
crystal: what are u going to do?
crystal: can u get out of there now?
eleonai.israel: I don’t know, they have made it clear that there goal is to intimidate me into continuing to be a part of the war
crystal: what are u going to do Eli?
eleonai.israel: i don’t know crystal
eleonai.israel: i’m sure they want me in jail
crystal: Have you heard from the lawyer?
crystal: someone said u need to contact your states congressman … I will do that for you. They said that’s the only thing you can do.

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