Lee Kaplan Sues Blogger and Wins

I don’t know much about Kaplan’s work, but have learned that he’s a right-winger who has earned himself an opposition site dedicated to him called ‘Lee Kaplan Watch‘. One Kaplan article I did read, basically blamed the Virginia Tech shootings on the presence of Muslims on college campuses. With that in mind, I can see how there might be a blog out there dedicated to his words. Here are a few of the posts you’ll find on the blog in question:

Kaplan sues the blogger in small claims court and wins a judgment for $7,500 in damages. (h/t Seeing the Forest)

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5 Responses to Lee Kaplan Sues Blogger and Wins

  1. Pingback: University Update - Virginia Tech - Lee Kaplan Sues Blogger and Wins

  2. Karl says:

    Wingers are always against the judicial system until someone hurts their feelings.

    I remember a while back I left an article here, that basicaly said, conservatives were the kids that used to start fights and run to the pincipal when they got their butts kicked, this Lee Kaplan sounds like a prime example.

    I would call him a douche bag but I guess that is what sends him into a litigous frenzy.

  3. I don’t see why a small claims court would be able to take a case like this. Those proceedings should be reserved for differences of opinion between people concerning the loss of $$ or property. A bill wasn’t paid, someone got stupid and broke a window, etc.

    A case like this, that clearly involves fundamental constitutional issues, shouldn’t be decided in small claims court.

    Robert Bork fell down at Yale and sued for punitive damages…I should post on this one. He’s got a lot of fans out there in right-wing world.

  4. Karl says:

    I saw the Bork one somewhere, he fell down at the Yale club and is suing for a million dollars or some outrageous amount.

    Tort reform until a winger falls

  5. Fact checker says:

    How does one steal public photographs if they are public? THe JDL is not an FBI deignted terrorist group. The FBI doesntdesignate terrorist groups. How does one impersonate an Arab on the Internet? It looks like Kaplan had a good case against an idiot. Congrats on his win.

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