Battling the Stormtroopers

I’ve been missing these past few days – in part due to the kids (pics coming in a couple of hours), and also because I’ve been battling righties on their turf over the Rove-leak matter. Pretty much one on ten most of the time, but I’m holding my own. Here are links to the discussion if anyone is interested:

If anyone caught Meet the Press today – the RNC chairman layed an egg.

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5 Responses to Battling the Stormtroopers

  1. If anyone caught Meet the Press today – the RNC chairman layed an egg.

    I missed it but is laying an egg anything like shittin’ a brick? It doesn’t appear the RNC, Bush or even Rove for that matter has anything to really worry about.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Right – would you buy a car from Mehlman? That guy…they checked his oil and changed his spark plugs before wheeling him out there.

  3. Right – would you buy a car from Mehlman? That guy…they checked his oil and changed his spark plugs before wheeling him out there.

    Is Mehlman selling his car? Or are you asking whether I would believe what he said about the condition of the car?

    And what’s the “laying an egg” thing all about?

  4. Chris Austin says:

    I think ‘laying an egg’ is a way of saying, he came out and bombed…or took a dump on the set and walked back out.

    Mehlman came off too much like he was playing the roll of a politician…there are ways to sound human while integrating talking points into what you’re saying. Cheney is very tallented when it comes to this…this guy on the other hand…much too robotic and unreasonable.

    Here’s the exercise…get a tape of him on Meet the Press and Cheney during the debates…mute their voices and picture them trying to sell you a car. Would you buy one from them?

    That’s why Dean’s campaign blew up…this is a theory of mine…Americans decided they wouldn’t buy a car from him if they had to.

  5. I don’t think Dean lost on a trust issue, although what we know now is he would have been a disaster as a President, but he lost on a sanity issue. I think the guy is crazy, crazy eyes with crazy thoughts and crazy talk who watches too much Wrestle Mania.

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