Hillary Convo From Elsewhere

(from Control Congress) preussow Says: Al, how can she (Hillary) lose you, she keeps changing the stance on the audience and surely at one point she hit your button.

Al Swearengen Says: Nah – I expect all politicians to lie on the campaign trail, as it has always been that way (no magical place in world history exists where this wasn’t the case), but Hillary is so full of sh*t compared with Obama, Biden, Dodd…I tend to go through a loop where I’m settled on Obama, then decide to think of him as the worst of the worst for a while to see what it’s like without him in the running, and the politicians who have been around in Congress for so long just get me feeling even worse, and right-wing talk radio helps out with this experiment, as apparently Obama is really a terrorist with half a brain, big nigger lips and no work experience…

hillary says hiI can’t get around it. Hillary just makes me feel like a consumer, and Obama makes me feel like an American. Edwards used to be that guy on TV asking if you’ve ever been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault…I’m not done with him just yet, but it is something that makes me feel like a mark. Biden is my favorite Senator out of the bunch, and he’s probably the smartest guy in the race from both sides. What he’ll have to do along the lines of (political) sex for money along the way is bound to make me sad, because it is beneath him really…to have to go through all this, like it’s really worth something to voluntarily turn yourself into a whore in the face of such damning odds against you ever actually being “the one”…

Hillary sucks. What will happen is, Obama will have a lead going into a big primary day, get shot in the face by some redneck and die on the podium somewhere, and Hillary will win because of it.

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