Focusing on the Injustice

I get frustrated watching testimony like the Monica episode yesterday, as the short time allotted for each member to ask questions, and the off-topic blah from Republicans about everything but the topic at hand, really work together in a way that makes me feel like I’m being hit in the head with a hammer…a great description of what gets lost in the shuffle with this unfocused format is here in ‘The Mouse That Roared‘ by Dahlia Lithwick.

Justice: (noun) the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness
With that in mind, consider the following:

Number of local Republican officials who have been investigated by the U.S. Department of Justice since 2001: 37
Number of local Democratic officials who have been: 262

I hope this gets covered at some point, along with McClatchy: ‘Missouri Was Ground Zero’ For GOP ‘Voter Fraud’ Scam, Thor Hearne and ACVR at Center of Scheme – – – My point being, the scandal regarding the firings is a great vehicle, but in the midst of all this, there’s got to be a point where the “facts on the ground” earn some time in the spotlight.

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One Response to Focusing on the Injustice

  1. Don Cordell says:

    Mr. Swearengen
    Believe me, I’m the only candidate for President in 2008 that will actually protect this nation. If you search Google for Public Law 87-297 you will be absolutly shocked. That law disarms all Americans and our Military, for the takeover by the United Nations.
    Then search Google for REX 84 about the Concentration Camps built to detain all who resist the end of our nation. I’m an 80 year old retired guy on Social Secturity, but I must save America.

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