In Threes

You’ve got to feel like Michael Imperioli turned in his best work in this past episode, with the faces…the vehicle has something to do with it, but I don’t feel like there’s anyone who could have pulled it off for so long besides him. Maybe that’s how you know the actor truly owned a role, dominated it, drove the future of this person into the realm of daydreams for millions as they sit in a waiting room somewhere, or during those moments at work when the brain desires more than what it’s getting. For me it would be the times when Christopher would completely mangle an expression, often times the expression itself not fitting the situation at all, yet nobody standing round hearing it points that out, which makes it even better. The whole thing makes me feel like I’m lucky in a way, to have these tidbits to giggle over sometimes…though like the entire series, the vehicle in question that you’ll see in this following clip is about to go off the road for good:
For this week I’m inclined to wait and see, but will point out that deaths come in threes, and with Paulie’s mother joining Christopher last week, there’s an open position still left unfilled. My three possibilities:

AJ – 40%
Junior – 40%
Rosalie Aprile – 20%

Bonus clips of Christopher Moltisanti follow below the fold:

Christopher’s Intervention:
“My idea is Saw meets Godfather 2”:
We’re With the Vipers:
Chris Kills JT:

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9 Responses to In Threes

  1. napoleon15 says:

    I don’t want to change the subject, Al, but what do you think of the Red Sox so far? I’m not going to get my hopes up too high, but they look pretty good right now.

  2. They’ve got the best pitching in baseball…even today, a rookie lefthander pitched a great game. And once it gets into the 7th, our bullpen is as good as anyone else’s.

    The lineup is great, with the perfect bench players…Alex Cora, Hinske, Pena…the first two can play several positions, and Francona basically has a roster that can be shifted in a hundred different ways to give a day off to whoever needs one.

    Dice-K is on right now…and unless 2-3 of him, Schilling and Beckett are down at the same time, I don’t see this team having a losing streak longer than 3 games from here on out.

    100+ wins…they can pitch, play small ball, defend…they approach the opposing team with a plan…I’m totally psyched by this team. Been trying to put a post together for a while, but it ends up not happening for some reason…I’ll have to put one together tonight.

    How about Colorado? I was out there about three years ago for the Sox 3 game series and The Dead at Red Rocks…$5 out in front of Coors field and a great vantage point the entire game. That stadium is incredible. Do you go to the games?

  3. napoleon15 says:

    I think my brother was there for one of those games too; he was pulling for the Red Sox. No, I don’t really pay that much attention to the Rockies, or go to their games. I wish they’d play better, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon. Like I said before, the Red Sox are probably my favorite baseball team, plus I hate the Yankees a lot more than even the Oakland Raiders or Detroit Red Wings. The 2004 ALCS choke job by the Yankees and the subsequent World Series sweep by the Sox was the best thing I could have ever imagined happening to the Yankees.

  4. bernie kosar says:

    I haven’t seen the last three episodes, but have opted to read the blogs/recaps (after the beans were spilled on talk radio). I must say, the head shot on JT was a cinematic jewel. Chase is a genius. That shot sets up the next week. You can’t feel too bad about CM’s passing. Yet, for the record, T is a sociopath… can’t have too much sympathy for him either. How is it all going to end? De-glorification/De-baathification on chase’s part an apeasement of the Christian Right? -Falwell/Gingrich RIP (Is it me or does every Republican Presidential candidate appear out of touch with mainstream America?-like Ben Gay on a summer day). I read somewhere that the last scene of Sopranos was in an icecream shop in N. Jersey: let’s hope for a peaceful ending.
    btw, AL- I tried to post on your site on FRI and was cock-blocked. Any ideas?

  5. (bernie&)

    napoleon: The 2004 ALCS choke job by the Yankees and the subsequent World Series sweep by the Sox was the best thing I could have ever imagined happening to the Yankees.

    The rate of births in New England shot up when that happened…my twin boys are a part of that. I’m interested to see the graduation rates from around the Boston area in 16 years!

    bernie – I’m more and more thinking that Tony gets killed in the end. I was holding off on this for a week, knowing SR doesn’t watch it when it comes on…but eventually said ‘fudge it’, because I wanted to get some words out before the show.

    In 3s…it’ll just sit there…

    I was having a hard time on Friday as well, and it wasn’t explained by the hosting company at all. I’ll see if my brother followed up on it…pissed me off, because I lost 1 each, a long comment and a post…tried to rewrite the content (an economic meditation in response to caveat bettor), but it just hasn’t worked…maybe when the market opens tomorrow it’ll come back.

    Check out the debate clip I posted – – – speaks to your thoughts regarding the GOP being out of touch.

  6. Van Helsing says:

    I would’ve had my money on AJ if I had seen this a day earlier. Gotta say I liked last nights episode but I can’t see myself being happy with wrapping the show up with only two episodes left. I don’t want to say too much as some may not have seen last night’s episode but the ode to American History X was awesome.

  7. Indeed – – – Helsing, I’m taking on a policy of “say it all” at this point. No use letting the last two episodes ever, and the fun that can be had hashing it out, not being enjoyed for the sake of others…my take at least.

    I hedged my bets and threw in a random one because I felt like it was AJ, but then I figured that was too obvious. Now I’m thinking it’s going to be Tony.

    The American History X scene was pretty intense! That guy deserved it though. Tony needs to go all out on NY at this point. He needs to go find those two terrorists and have them inside one of Phil’s places (assuming he owns some), then tip of the Feds…that would tie up Phil for a while I’d imagine…

    With that in mind, why not hook him up like they did Feech Lamana? The guy should have ways he can get violated. How he talked through the upstairs window of his house was bush league…he’s not cut out for that job.

    And how’d you figure Patsy would go from pissing in Tony’s pool to becoming family? Almost as out there as Bobby being such a major player after his time as the “walking calzone” in season one…

    Van, did you catch any of The Wire clips I’ve been posting? You’ll appreciate this one:

  8. Van Helsing says:

    I can’t see the writers letting phil “win”. I see Bobby or Paulie taking a bullet for Tony or better yet Tony gets out and settles in Panama City, Florida with Carmine. Theres a lot of ends to tie up with 3 remaining. Hesh needs to make an appearence as Tony still owes him a good chunk of change. AJ in the mental hospital, fucking kid could mess anything up,”why can’t we all just get along.” Think those “terrorists” might actually be feds. Who cares who Meadow dates? Maybe they’ll have Furio or the russian who got shot in the Pine Barrens show next episode.

    Who do you think the two timer is? I say Little Paulie.

  9. Hesh was paid back already. When Tony came by to pay his condolences over his old lady’s death, he had a bag full of cash for him. I really do hope that those “terrorists” were feds…it’d make me sleep better at night knowing our government was smart enough to do something like that. Bad thing there is (for the feds), their primary target (christopher) is dead…it would have worked out well, since he was ready to flip.

    Was a “two timer” mentioned? I think Little Paulie is light in the loafers.

    Funny little part of that last episode, when Tony is telling everyone about taking peyote, and Paulie starts in with his story about getting dosed at at ‘The Copa’…the look on Tony’s face said, “For the millionth time you’re telling this one?”

    Helsing – did you notice Tony saying an episode or two ago that he had to go see Slava? I distinctly remember that…it goes along with that story Jonny Sack was telling to all the guys in the hospital/prison about Carmine…how he let that guy stay alive until he wasn’t bringing in as much money…then he was expendable. I’ve been considering the same thing with Slava and the Russian that got away (which he definitely did…the car being gone could only have meant that one possibility…nobody else would have been out there to steal it.

    So the Russian lays low, and Slava takes the Carmine approach to Paulie and Tony. From everything I read…the Russians have been better at this game than the Italians for a long time. The Italians just existed in a country that happened to idolize their thing in the movies. Create groupies like Dr. Melfi’s shrink.

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