bBlogBouillabaisse – Hey Pocky Way

BRAD BLOG is after itThe BRAD BLOG – Got to love this guy, sticking to the stories that our media refuses to go near. What’s more fundamental to our system of government than the legitimacy of our elections? I threw my two cents into the vortex following the conviction of election officials in charge of the 2004 recount in Ohio, which is when I first came across and decided to link to BRAD BLOG. What he’s covering now that I think is well worth everyone’s time, is how the new Republican governor of Florida is getting rid of all touch-screen voting machines and replacing them with paper ballots. With the politicization of US Attorneys, and all the GOP schemes that has left covered up for the time being, it’s the oddest thing in the world to witness a Republican acting on behalf of ALL, rather than only his/her party.

A scary development in all this is that the Democratic Congress isn’t heading in this direction towards legislating that paper ballots be used in all precincts in the US…a startling instance of blindness towards the adverse impact these touch-screen voting machines (and their manipulatable memory cards that can render a “paper trail” meaningless – watch out for the “all we need is a paper trail” talking point) have already had and will surely continue to have in the seemingly impossible to prove criminal manipulation of vote counts, which up to this point have curiously tended to favor the party on the other side of the aisle. Letters must be drafted and mailed to your Representative and Senator in Congress!

  1. Vet Imprisoned for Seeking Benefits – by MAL Contends…
  2. First GOP debate is done: 3 winners and 1 loser – by Caveat Bettor (not his opinion, but rather how the actual odds wagering was affected!)
  3. Bush vetoes withdrawal: approval plunges to 28% – by The Richmond Democrat
  4. Riverbend…Soon to be a Refugee – by Hootsbuddy (Riverbend is an Iraqi blogger)
  5. The Nihilism Post – by Sonicrusk
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