Portfolios A & B

Professor Frink SaysA – (70K start), the last 4 months (+10.17%) have outpaced the average for that same time period (+7%), which indicates an improvement over time. After 20 months the overall percentage gain has been 45.03%. I’m staying put with all of my positions for right now, and sticking with the strategy I’ve maintained throughout in this one.

B – (1M start), after a rough start, my holdings in this one have finally gotten to a level where I feel comfortable in looking forward (+1.65% overall after 2.5 months). I’ve sold a lot of shares at a loss, and have only taken profits in a couple of instances. More comments and the numbers below the fold My gambit with NTES was a disaster, and I’ve since swallowed my pride on that pick. At the number of shares I’m at now for that stock, they’ll have to approach $25 before I break even, but at only 3.52% weight now, I can live with that as a goal in the meantime. Backing out of China altogether for the most part, as with other things demanding my time, I had to admit to myself that I wasn’t read up enough on the market to continue putting money into it. I’m looking at a number of small caps right now, but if I still have this cash in hand ($219,715) at the end of last week, it’s not bothering me. Building this one for the long haul means I can’t let these first few months and the desire for quick gains lead me into making buys I wouldn’t have made if it required a sale of something else to get the cash needed. All of February and early April I did just that, and it’s taken a while now to break it all down to where I know that what I own at the price I paid is worth holding.

Portfolio A
Ticker % Change Weight
PRU +34.54% 22.30%
BUD -0.84% 9.95%
NTES -12.68% 13.22%
GOOG -1.85% 22.27%
CAT +19.27% 10.80%
FWRLX +16.18% 3.75%
FHKCX +37.66% 10.00%
PRASX +36.29% 7.71%
Total $101,524.01
+45.03% (20months)
+10.17% (1/8-5/4)

Portfolio B
Ticker % Change Weight
ACI +6.94% 3.62%
ACOR +11.44% 1.98%
ADBE -1.34% 6.71%
AW +4.54% 2.72%
BAM +11.54% 7.67%
BSC -1.50% 8.92%
CNQ +23.97% 2.19%
COST -7.40% 1.32%
FDX -7.37% 2.69%
FITB +1.31% 1.01%
GS +3.04% 7.27%
IAU +0.57% 5.37%
MLM +12.78% 1.84%
NTES -20.50% 3.52%
PBR +8.51% 9.03%
PPP +5.52% 1.80%
PRU +8.03% 3.96%
SCMR -2.53% 1.14%
TS +1.56% 4.68%
USG -10.53% 0.95%
CASH $219,715.16 21.62%
Total $1,016,464.41 +1.65%

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6 Responses to Portfolios A & B

  1. BUY 200 TS 45.75 11:35AM

  2. BUY 300 TS 45.34 1:32PM

  3. BUY 20,000 STEM 2.61 1:41PM

  4. BUY 1250 CNQ 63.73 11:45AM
    SELL 325 BSC 153.77 11:50AM

  5. BUY 500 PRU 100.80 2:57PM

  6. BUY 125 MLM 141.62 5/14/07 11:40AM
    BUY 500 TS 44.62 5/14/07 11:40AM
    BUY 10000 STEM 2.53 5/14/07 10:35AM
    SELL 3000 SCMR 3.72 5/11/07 4:00PM
    SELL 400 IAU 66.57 5/11/07 4:00PM
    SELL 250 FDX 108.26 5/11/07 4:00PM
    SELL 250 COST 54.97 5/11/07 4:00PM
    SELL 2000 AW 13.46 5/11/07 4:00PM

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