Friday Night Fights

I’m getting excited about Oscar vs. Floyd! As with most sporting events of this magnitude that I end up looking forward to for a long time, I’ve made a point to ignore all press/hype/predictions/etc…with boxing especially, the whole ‘there’s bad blood between the two camps’ narrative doesn’t interest me anymore. I fully understand the business necessity of doing it like that, to get the hoopleheads interested, hopefully a bunch of them that don’t even like boxing. The epitome of this, as far as my lifetime is concerned, was Holmes-Cooney, when the Rappaport brothers did and said everything they could to draw out every possible wallet owned by a racist they could. It worked. Though reality took over shortly after the bell rung, with Holmes at the top of his game, doing his thing…years later he remarked on the whole thing in depth, though my all time favorite quote wasn’t about how his one fight with a white challenger yada yada, but this: “Once that bell rings, all that bullshit goes out the window. It’s just you and me, you can’t call the cops.”

I’m getting carried away here, as this was supposed to be a quick hit in the midst of a school break and my brain definitely preferred writing about boxing as opposed to the software testing paper I’ve got to get back to work on…the real reason I wanted to set-up by mentioning Oscar and Floyd, was because it’s on HBO. Here are some of my other favorite fights from that channel. Let me know which one you think is the best one. I’m partial to this first one, but my namesake’s role in all of it probably has something to do with it:

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7 Responses to Friday Night Fights

  1. S. R. says:

    HBO fights are always the best. I wonder if they could pull off the smaller, more insignifcant matches that networks like USA and ESPN cannot seem to do. Shit, I need to get off of my ass and get HBO. What the hell have I been waiting for?

  2. Yes! My job here is done…I knew a week or two of clips on deadissue would be just the thing to convince S.R. to scrap this one tiny HOAT-ish tendency…to love it, but not have it…NO MORE!!!

  3. S. R. says:

    Yes, but the key words still being “get off of my ass.”

  4. Me or the cable company?

  5. S. R. says:

    HA! I mean “get off of my own ass” in order to go to Suddenlink and get a cable box.

  6. bernie kosar says:

    great fight scenes!!!

    Lincecum sucked tonight; sorry for the hype…great velocity on the fast ball, though (98MPH).

  7. I definitely sought him following your mention here, but in this 14 team league, it’s tough being the first with an idea after a month in. He was already signed. Kind of glad he did poorly (the Giants can handle 1 loss a week, right?), as he might show up on the waiver wire this week. I’m having trouble keeping up with the lesser known players this year, not being able to watch baseball tonight or read much coverage overall. Kind of relying on faith to a certain extent…drafted well, but the past two weeks I’ve been steadily dropping in the standings.

    Right now I’m trying to trade John Maine for a slugger…tough getting anyone to give up something good. If he wins again this week, someone will have to bite. If I can land a Carlos Lee or Manny for him, I’ll still have Webb, Dice-K (can’t throw strikes these past few weeks), Verlander, Jered Weaver (coming around), Lilly, Jennings (used to pitch for Colorado, now in Houston)…It’s RBI that I’m completely sucking in right now…

    I figure once Maine makes his 2nd & 3rd trip around the NL, they’ll get to him, plus he’s likely to tire after all-stars. Zito seems to be pitching well.

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