My Foggo’s No Longer Dusty

Everything works now with the video (thanks Nick!) – I encourage everyone to head over and check out the videos posted over at Hootsbuddy’s Place – Because I’ve been slow to get this plugin working, I’m posting a couple now that have been burning a hole in my pocket – New essay tomorrow – “Going where the climate suits my clothes” – That’s not the title

A 40 Degree Day (funny):
This guy stole the show the other night, and reminded me that I hadn’t watched Network yet in 2007…sinful…I’m ashamed of myself:
Bill Kristol is confronted by a military wife (who is also in the military) on CSPAN’s Washington Journal:

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2 Responses to My Foggo’s No Longer Dusty

  1. Hootsbuddy says:

    Coming in now loud and clear. Looks like your technical wrinkles are ironed out.
    And thanks for the link. I put up a couple of YouTube clips just for the fun of it. Goodness knows we can use some fun sometimes.

  2. I’m loving it! Those two you posted were sick! There’s so much untaped greatness sitting idle on a server (I presume in N. Cali)…when I have time to go on a YouTube bender, I’m normally attacking it with a few ideas in mind. The Gore Vidal stuff I’ve accumulated (in links) is great, but most of it I want to save for a day when I’m inspired to write about the man…collecting links over time in a notepad file can be very efficient in keeping them all within reach without having to jump through hoops and logon to whatever and figure out how to do it “legit”…fuck that, I’m all about rip-and-run…

    Too many unfinished assignments for school, and too few hours to sleep to get too involved…so they just sit forever, UNTIL NOW!!!

    Yea…I hope you post more of what you like to see, because those first two were great. I’m going to go heavy with the HBO at times…especially The Wire, which I’ve got two up on so far. But it’s high time some tunes showed up on here.

    Heh, Stay Tuned!

    Now I know how Weird Al Yankovick felt when he got a hold of that UHF station…LIKE A GOD

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