Treasure, Rich, Fascism and Summary

T: “Perhaps the rationale for why we lost is already in the works, with liberals, the media, UN and most likely the Iraqis themselves ending up responsible in the end when a right-winger tells the story to their sons and daughters. Judging by President Bush’s explanation of why his social policy has gone nowhere thus far, blaming everyone but himself, this will be exactly what happens. There will always be those among us who represent the game jersey of their team, with or without the logic to support their beliefs, and they know that.” (deadissue 6/30/05)

R: “Tillman was killed on April 22, 2004. By the next day top officers knew he had not been killed by enemy fire. On April 29, a top special operations commander sent a memo to John Abizaid, among other generals, suggesting that the White House be warned off making specific public claims about how Tillman died. Simultaneously, according to an e-mail that surfaced last week, a White House speechwriter contacted the Pentagon to gather information about Tillman for use at the correspondents’ dinner. When President Bush spoke at the dinner at week’s end, he followed his jokes with a eulogy about Tillman’s sacrifice. But he kept the circumstances of Tillman’s death vague, no doubt because the White House did indeed get the message that the Pentagon’s press release about Tillman’s losing his life in battle was fiction. Yet it would be four more weeks before Pat Tillman’s own family was let in on the truth.” (Frank Rich 4/29/07)

F: “Naomi Wolf has a great must-read piece in the Guardian about the steps needed to create fascism in a country, and how these steps have been followed by the Bush administration since 9/11.” (Indigent A-hole 4/27/07)

How to sum all of this up best? I’m sure my namesake can help out:

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5 Responses to Treasure, Rich, Fascism and Summary

  1. Hootsbuddy says:

    Thanks for your comments at my place.
    Sorry, I still don’t get the videos. Even when I disabled Norton and refreshed, still nothing.
    Incidentally, the content is also pushed to the end of the scroll, with nothing appearing between the sidebars. The old version of Blogger did the same thing to me but somehow they fixed it with the new version.
    I’m no technophile so I can’t really help. Good luck.

  2. I noticed that IE doesn’t render the videos at all. I’m going to have to approach this through the use of a plugin I think, as embedding it with code and nothing more doesn’t appear to work outside of Firefox. Not only that, but when I go to post the code, it will only work if I first go into user options and make some changes.

    Thanks for the feedback! I’ll try to fix this by tomorrow or Wednesday. No use having them up if people can’t see them. Peace – DI

  3. Pingback: Monday first news 'n views « oldephartteintraining

  4. socroni says:

    I’ve updated the above youtube video, with a better quality version, you can find it here

  5. Thanks! It’s now updated. Good of you to capture that clip. I’m into John from Cincinnatti, but still unable to figure out why it had to come so soon at the expense of a full 4th season of Deadwood. Rest assured, I’ll be carrying on the memory of Al Swearengen here on deadissue for years to come.

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